
The Flash Ain’t Got Nothin’ on This Summer

As I write this final blog post, I am bombarded by many feelings…the two most prominent being confusion and denial. I’m in a constant state of Wait, I’m sorry—what did you say the date is again? and No, that can’t be right…it’s still June, isn’t it? If summer mercilessly flew past you at full speed, and if you are shocked by the date on your calendar every morning, then you might be experiencing symptoms of End of Summer Whiplash. I have coined this condition with the hopes that it will help many of us place a name to the whirlwind of emotions we are feeling about the end of our summer as CAPS Fellows. We are nearing the end; what a strange thing to say. Just for the sake of recap, I am an intern at ArtMix, a nonprofit in Indy which provides access to the arts for people with […]

Pack Your Bags, Kids 1 comment

Two Saturday’s ago, I left the comfort of my home (and bed) to make the trek to Indianapolis to start at ArtMix—a new, albeit short, chapter in my emerging adult life. While I was sad to cut my time short with friends and family, I was extremely excited to get going on this new adventure. At this point, we have likely all moved ourselves in or out of a space at least once—not the most fun part of the experience. Nevertheless, I packed the next nine weeks into one car and headed south. I am extremely fortunate that my parents and two best friends were spirited and supportive enough to help move me in; that made the transition much easier. From there, I said my goodbyes and looked around at what is now my space for the next nine weeks.     As quickly as I found myself moved into […]