Monthly Archives: May 2017

Prof. Stan Zygmunt

Professor of Physics

Phone: (219) 464-5380
FAX: (219) 464-5489
E-mail: stan.zygmunt (at)

Education: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D.
Major field: Materials science and electronic materials

Teaching specialty: condensed matter physics, physics of atoms, nuclei and solids, introductory physics

Prof. Haiying He

Associate Professor of Physics

Phone: (219) 464-6138
FAX: (219) 464-5489
E-mail: haiying.he (at)

Education: Michigan Technological University, Ph.D.
Major field: Materials physics and chemistry and low-dimensional materials

Teaching specialty: computational physics, quantum mechanics, condensed matter physics, introductory physics


Welcome to the Computational Materials Research group webpage at Valparaiso University!

Prof. Stan Zygmunt and Prof. Haiying He carry out interdisciplinary research crossing the areas of physics, chemistry, and materials science using computational tools.  We believe research is an integrated part of higher education as well.