An Ambitious Undertaking


Whenever someone seeks to revolutionize an organization and take it a new direction, it requires a lot of dedication and cooperation. That has been my experience so far this summer working with United Way of LaPorte County as they seek to involve their community in shaping United Way’s future. When I first started at United Way back in May, I joined in the middle of an 18 month process. At first I felt overwhelmed and unsure. Over the past five weeks, I have seen strands of this project come together in new ways, and I’ve become excited to see how the project continues to unfold.

United Way of LaPorte County resides in a building shared by many other nonprofit organizations. This is exciting, because the organizations can assist each other and brainstorm about opportunities for collaboration. All of the employees in the building seem to enjoy their job and generally want to help the community. I’ve enjoyed working with them and hearing their stories about their path to the nonprofit industry.

The project that United Way is undertaking is actually a national project from the national branch of the United Way. It seeks to reinvent the methods United Way uses to invest into the community. The initial step involves going out into the community and asking residents about their aspirations for the community, specifically in the fields of income, education, and health. Much of this work has already been done. A few key demographics, however, have not yet been heard. It will be my job to target these demographics over the next few weeks and record their aspirations. After hearing about the aspirations of the community, United Way asks the community what resources the community has to meet these needs. Finally, United Way researches best practice methods that other organizations have used that can meet the aspirations of the community. United Way can then reach “the sweet spot”, the spot where the aspirations and resources of the community align with best practice research. This will maximize United Way’s impact on the community. One can see that community engagement is extremely important throughout the process.


I  have personally been involved with every aspect of the process. I’ve researched best practices, I’ve facilitated community conversations, and I’ve attempted to find the sweet spot so United Way can maximize its impact. I’ve enjoyed looking at one issue from different perspectives. It has helped to me to understand things holistically, and I’ve used this in other aspects of my life now as well. It has sharpened my problem-solving abilities.


As my internship draws to a close over the next three weeks, I will be going out into the community more frequently; this is a part I will be greatly looking forward to. My confidence in social situations has increased tenfold since my admission to Valparaiso University, and I’m hoping this new experience will nuance that confidence and strengthen it.


I have sat in on other meetings with United Way over these past few weeks. I have come to understand that United Way’s undertaking comes at a perfect time. The entire LaPorte County community, whether that be the nonprofits, the local businesses, or the local government, are willing themselves out of an economic slump. They are working endlessly to make their community flourish. It truly inspires me to be placed in the middle of such an endeavor.


My next post will come the final week of my internship. I hope at that time to have some important closing remarks and a few more lessons about myself to divulge. Until that time, Happy 4th, and God Bless.

-Garrett Warren

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