Daily Archives: July 29, 2015

Wrapping Up at the Village

The past 8 weeks interning in a senior living community have been eye-opening in several ways.    Many residents have passed on even during my short time here, serving as a constant reminder that death is a constant presence in this environment.   I have learned about the multi-faceted operation that makes up a nursing home.  Housekeeping, laundry, accounting, legal support, janitorial services, and even a person for medical supplies are needed to keep it going. Recently, since many of the departments have run out of things for me to do, I’ve been spending a lot of time with my boss in his office.  Some of the most personally enriching moments of the fellowship have been the conversations we’ve had on a variety of business topics, from the nature of healthcare to career and leadership advice.  My final major trip with him was to the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) meeting at […]

Like A Second Family 1 comment

We’ve all heard the saying before. We refer to our best friends’ families, our church congregations, fraternities and sororities, and even our campus communities as our families. So to me, one of Horton’s Kids’ mantras, “like a second family..”, may be more accurate if it were described as a fifth or sixth family. I have an incredibly loving, supportive, and close biological family at home. I would not be who or where I am today if it were not for my mom, dad, and three brothers. I have an inclusive church family, as well. They not only have taught me countless lessons through the years but continue to send encouragement and hope. I go to (in my slightly biased opinion) the greatest school possible, and am surrounded by friends and professors that continually motivate and push me to grow. I am a very proud member of a phenomenal group of […]