We’re Not in Valpo Anymore!


We traded our Chapel bells for rumble of the L train.  Chicago.  A city that will never cease to amaze me.  Being from a Chicago suburb, I am no stranger to this majestic city.  I spent my weekends exploring different pockets of city under the careful guidance of my family.  I like to say that my family bubble wrapped my Chicago experience.  I could not take public transportation until I was 17, and even then I was under the protection of my brothers.  My mom is a nurse and my dad is a taxi driver, they know firsthand how bad Chicago can be.  They were just trying to protect me, but they cannot shelter me forever.

The independence is liberating.  Living in Chicago allows me to explore myself outside of the safety net of home or Valparaiso.  I was overjoyed when I discovered my placement was in Chicago because it meant I could grow in a state I love.  Being a big city, Chicago offers diversity that is not highlighted often back at school.  Although every person has their differences we all share one thing in common, taking public transportation.  Everyone has their own love hate relationship with CTA.  On one hand, it is easier that having your own car because you will not have to deal with paying an outrageous amount of money for a tiny parking spot.  On the other hand, the estimated time of arrival of the CTA is unpredictable because of unscheduled stops.  Complete strangers bond over their shared feelings about CTA.  It is truly a beautiful sight.


Not as beautiful as my commute to my internship though.  I made the decision to walk to my placement to get better familiar with my surroundings.  Every morning, I walk over the Chicago River as I head to Ingenuity’s office.  Ingenuity is the glue between Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and arts partners.  Ingenuity was birthed from the city’s need to provide quality arts education to all of CPS.  My organization tackles this goal through four innovates: data and research, public affairs, outreach, and partnerships and professional learning.  With a mission as vast with these four innovates, you think there is a large army of people advocating on the behalf of arts education in CPS.  Well, there is.  Nine dynamic leaders blazing a trail in educating and advocating for arts educators.  The staff of Ingenuity works tirelessly with CPS Department of Arts Education and arts partners to enrich the lives of children in CPS.

I am honored that Willow and I have been inducted as fearless warriors in the fight for quality arts education to all of CPS.  I feel like I have become a part of the Ingenuity family.  As a Partnership and Professional Learning Intern, I am excited and nervous to plan our annual Partner Starter Institute to acclimate arts partners to the culture of CPS and instill the importance of partnership.  This summer is just beginning, but I know endless adventures await me as I explore the city and learn more about the importance of arts education.  This may not be Valpo, but it is a place where I belong.  A place I can call home.  



About eseosasereokundaye

Eseosasere Okundaye is a rising junior at Valparaiso University. She is a Christ College student double majoring in political science and social work. Eseosasere is a Partnership & Professional Learning Intern at Ingenuity, Inc located in Chicago, IL. She aspires to attend law school and aid youth in the criminal justice system. In her free time, Eseosasere plans to watch plays in the city.

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