Kathryn Fogleman

Community: A Feeling of Fellowship with Others

Working in Res Life at Valpo opened my eyes to how intentional Valpo is in it’s creation of community. Valpo students seem to understand the benefits about this sort of community and carry it with them wherever they go. Even though our time together has been relatively short, our DC CAPS cohort has created a strong bond that I am increasingly grateful for. Although I am saddened that my time in DC is dwindling, I am confident that our friendship is strong and the memories of adventures, conversation, and family dinners we shared will continue to make me smile.   Given that they have added so much to my CAPS experience, I think it’s fitting to speak a bit about each one of them.   I’m thankful for Nura’s kind and thoughtful spirit. Though never afraid to challenge another person’s opinion, she approaches every conversation with such consideration and respect […]

Service? Service. 1 comment

A big component of the CAPS program that really drew me towards it was the service aspect. When I first began to explore all of the placement options, I was sure that I’d end up at a non-profit, because I associated the two words. To be honest, where I’m interning couldn’t be further from a non-profit. Truth be told, I’m working for a big money organization. Venn strategies, my fellowship location, is a public affairs and consulting firm.   Everyone always asks me what exactly is a public affairs and consulting firm. Simply put, it’s a lobbying firm. . Most of us shudder when we hear lobbying, thinking of outrageous sums of money in politics, people whose voices seem to be significantly louder or more powerful than the average American’s. Big tobacco, the NRA, manipulation, corruption, bribery…these are all things I used to think of when I thought about lobbying. […]