Daily Archives: June 21, 2015

3…2…1 Lift-off.

Being someone who is naturally nocturnal, (especially in the summertime) the first day of my internship at EMPOWER began with me cringing as my alarm assaulted my sleeping ears. When I finally got around, ate some breakfast, and headed out for the day, I realized this was a routine I could get used to. The morning air was warm, yet refreshing, and my walk to work was a nice way to start my day. When I got to the office I met up with my co-fellow, Faith, and we sat down with our bosses Heather and Kaye as they told us what they wanted us to work on during our time there. Faith and I are working on a project where we are researching different youth development programs throughout the country in order to see how effective that type of programming is, and then design our own program. The first […]