Daily Archives: July 8, 2015

Interdependence – Finding My Piece

It amazes me how interconnected we are. We [the NLCS CAPS Fellows] have found ourselves saying “well you can’t do this without that” or “this is why we need that program” and “I understand how that mission overlaps with our mission”. My string of “ahh-ha” moments have been countless as I have realized the interconnectedness of the work I am doing, the work others are doing and the overwhelming amount of social injustices we are all confronting. This work can be compared to a puzzle, we all have a piece that has a part in a bigger picture. Each piece is unique, connected to another, and the puzzle’s completion is dependent on all the pieces coming together.  This idea lead me to the creation of the puzzle depicted below: This summer I am working with the Philanthropy (Phil) Team at National Lutheran Communities and Services (NLCS). There are two components of […]