Daily Archives: August 14, 2017

“Don’t Change the World, Change Worlds”

When I first decided to pursue nonprofit public relations a year or so back, it was mostly because I didn’t want to work in corporate America. The idea of big business meetings filled with people in suits (which is how I stereotypically envisioned the corporate world) just didn’t appeal to me. So when people asked me what I wanted to do when I graduated, I said nonprofit PR. But now, after having a couple of internships in nonprofit communications, I know that that decision I made on a whim was the right one. Over the past few semesters, I’ve taken some classes that have ignited an interest in human rights, so much so that I bookmarked the website with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Here in the U.S, we take so many of these rights for granted. But there is a plethora of places around the world where people […]

Fleeting Moments Meet Reflection

[Insert bittersweet hello here] I am quickly approaching my final days in Washington D.C. and I can’t help but get a feeling of heartache. I’ve grown so much here, in many different ways that I hadn’t even anticipated. I feel transformed and empowered to move forward. My chapter in D.C. may be short one, but this place and these people that I have come to know in such a short span of time will always hold a special place in my heart.   Lutheran Services in America, because of you I am a better me. My time at LSA has been a journey in itself. From my first few days as a very nervous intern that was terrified to make a mistake to a confident professional with a voice that is no longer afraid to ask for help and has become inspired by power of social ministry and what you […]