Daily Archives: July 22, 2019

Having a Child-like Faith by Maddie Fry

One of the fundamental lessons I have learned from working with kids is that you never know what to expect from them. Every day comes with another creative art project, an imaginative story, or crazy new game. So many ideas race through their minds and the world seems to be filled with wonder and excitement. The smallest object can be the source of immense joy. I have never seen a person be so consumed with a dead leaf as I have this past week. It never ceases to amaze me how children can see a generic object and transform it into something radically different.  Working with kids is one of the most tiring jobs I have experienced, it has also been the most inspiring. Watching them learn and grow into better readers, skilled drawers, or professional lego architects makes everyday worth it. They find joy in everything and get along […]