Uncertainty, Discernment, and Discovery by Lydia Knorp

As I reflect on my time at Heartland Alliance, many thoughts and emotions come to mind; the most prominent being gratitude. I came into this internship seeking clarity. Whether it be clarity regarding the path I want to pursue or a deeper understanding of what I do not enjoy, I was hoping to find meaning in this experience.  This feeling of gratitude that I mentioned is for the gift of clarity that Heartland Alliance has blessed me with. I came into my internship confident and still am certain that I have found my home in the field of Social Work. However, in a vast field, I had struggled to pinpoint my passions within the field.

Working with refugees at Heartland Alliance is something I thought I would enjoy, but I had no idea how much I would come to love it. There is something special about working with people from around the world. It is truly a gift to have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and traditions from places so far away. Each day that I interned, I had the opportunity to get to know many different individuals and learn about their experiences, stories, and culture… what a gift.

Here I am two months later grateful for the clarity that this experience has given me. I have discovered and confirmed the passion I have for working with a diverse group of individuals, listening and learning about their experiences, and walking alongside them as they strive to accomplish their goals. I look forward to seeing how this passion of mine unfolds as I take my next steps in both my academic and professional careers.

The CAPS fellowship has encouraged me to lean into my uncertainties. It has reminded me that the unknown aspects of life are not necessarily bad. Uncertainty can lead to discernment and discernment has led me to discover a passion and a purpose. The CAPS fellowship has helped me discover the young professional that I aspire to be.

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