Embracing the Transformative Power of Music and Prayer at Lutheran Summer Music

Stepping into the world of music as a social work major with an art minor at Lutheran Summer Music (LSM) was an intimidating yet transformative experience. Among the many incredible aspects of LSM, my involvement in the chapel choir stood out as a profound journey of self-discovery, connection, and spiritual growth. Reflecting on my time in the choir and the daily morning and evening prayer rituals, I am reminded of the transformative power of music and prayer within a supportive community.

The chapel choir at LSM became more than just a group of individuals singing together; it evolved into a supportive community that embraced me with open arms. Despite my initial insecurities about not having extensive musical knowledge or the ability to read music, the choir members and our dedicated choir director fostered an environment of acceptance, encouragement, and unity. Together, we created something beautiful through our collective voices, transcending our individual limitations. The chantor said in my first chapel choir rehearsal, “This is practice; you’re supposed to make mistakes. So make them loudly and make them proudly.” These words have resonated with me ever since, reminding me that the journey of learning and growth is meant to be embraced with enthusiasm and courage.

In the chapel choir, I discovered a safe space where my limited knowledge of music did not define my worth but rather served as an opportunity for growth and learning. The moments of shared devotion and love for God through music were incredibly powerful. As we sang hymns and joined our voices in harmony, the chapel became a sacred space where I experienced a deep connection to something greater than myself. The power of music intertwined with prayer and readings from the Bible created a profound sense of spirituality, evoking a range of emotions, and providing a channel for expressing reverence and gratitude to God.

Participating in morning and evening prayer sessions within the LSM community cultivated a unique sense of togetherness and shared devotion. Daily, individuals from diverse backgrounds and musical abilities united in a collective expression of faith. These moments of communal connection remind me that spirituality is not solely an individual pursuit but a shared journey of seeking connection with God and one another. The regularity of these prayer rituals created a consistent and intentional space for reflection, centering, and connecting with the divine. In the morning’s boosting of energy and the evening’s reflective serenity, I found solace, guidance, and grounding amidst the vibrant energy of LSM.

Morning and evening prayer became spaces for introspection, enabling me to quiet my mind, reflect on my experiences, and explore the depths of my spirituality. The contemplative silence, guided readings, and hymns allowed for moments of profound self-reflection and personal growth. These sacred pauses amidst the bustling program enabled me to delve deeper into the questions and yearnings that reside within my heart.

As my time at LSM ends, I carry the transformative experiences and lessons learned in the chapel choir and through morning and evening prayer. This journey has taught me the transformative potential of music and prayer in nurturing spirituality, the power of community and shared devotion, also the beauty of embracing vulnerability. The chapel choir and prayer sessions have become integral parts of my personal and spiritual growth, encouraging me to continue exploring the depths of my faith and embracing the transformative power of music and prayer in all aspects of my life.

– Erica Castillo, Lutheran Summer Music

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