Nurturing Your Passion Through Learning and Growth

Through the Chicago Reporter, I had the chance to pursue my passion project on gun violence. Last week, I had a meaningful interview with Kweisi, who tragically lost his brother to gun violence years ago. Kweisi, a poet and advocate, strongly believes in healing through his poetry and the concept of forgiveness. He believes the only way to heal is to grow and forgive. When he shared his story with me, I was struck by the profound strength he possesses to navigate a world filled with cruelty, his determination to prevent similar situations and aid others in healing from their traumas is truly inspiring. My current aspiration is to bring Kweisi’s story to the forefront and shine a spotlight on the significant issue that the Chicago community and the entire country is grappling with. The issue is the absence of adequate checks and balances for gun control and the mishandling of trauma. Through sharing Kweisi’s experiences, I aim to raise awareness about the pressing need for comprehensive gun control measures and more robust mental health support systems. The story serves as a reminder of the devastating consequences of lax regulations and insufficient attention to mental health challenges. Through this project, I hope to ignite meaningful conversations and prompt action among policymakers, communities, and individuals mainly in the Chicago community. In the pursuit of a safer and healthier society, sharing these narratives is a crucial step in fostering empathy, understanding, and collective responsibility toward building a better future for everyone.

Listening to Kweisi’s story drove me to research additional similar experiences and to compare how each person dealt with their own struggles. For me, the most rewarding aspect of my work is engaging with diverse perspectives and listening to the profound and traumatic stories people share. This engagement enables me to provide comfort, respect, and genuine compassion, while also conveying their stories to the world, hoping to make a meaningful impact.

This fellowship experience has helped me practice my interviewing skills and allowed me to see that there is always room for further improvement, regardless of my proficiency in the English language. I have learned that language proficiency is an ongoing journey, and there is always room for growth. Another crucial lesson I discovered is that no matter where my future career path is headed, I must work twice as hard, push myself, and always expect challenges along the way because I am still learning. It is important to remember that the key is to remain diligent and committed to constant learning. As I move forward, I embrace the idea that continuous improvement is essential not only for professional development but also for personal growth. It is a mindset that encourages me to embrace new challenges and seek out opportunities that stretch my abilities. Moreover, I have come to realize the significance of acknowledging that I am still on a learning journey. Embracing this mindset allows me to approach every situation with a willingness to learn from others, no matter their background or expertise. The Chicago Reporter continues to expand my mind even though there is not much time left as I am stepping through the final last weeks’ I hope to maintain my work and use my passion through this project to bring something important that can influence others and assist this organization with the inspirational stories it delivers. This fellowship has been a transformative experience that has highlighted the importance of continuous improvement, hard work, and resilience for me.

– Nour Alhajjeh, The Chicago Reporter

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