Daily Archives: August 19, 2015

We Are All in One Mission

You will be the one connecting people one day – that day is closer than you think A good manager should be training their team to take his/her job The difference between humility and humbleness / ignorance and stupidity Be confident in your abilities, but do not be arrogant Constantly balance between your wants and your needs Dream big but be realistic One organization cannot do it all These nuggets of wisdom were casually, but carefully, stitched into the fabric of conversations with the CPO, CSO, CFO, CEO, Directors, consultants, and other members of the NLCS family. The ‘life lessons’ listed above come from a very long list of things I learned during my 8 week CAPS Fellowship at National Lutheran Communities and Services. (I would love to share the stories that accompany the bulleted list above, however I do not have space in this forum. Please ask if you […]