Taming rivers and crossing mountains: my first week at The Guild

I have completed my first week here at The Grunewald Guild! This in itself is quite a feat. I arrived two days later than intended because of flight cancellations that left me stranded in the Dallas/Fort Worth airport. This unexpected obstacle was frustrating and filled me with uncertainty for the months ahead. Would I be behind at The Guild by arriving late? Was my checked bag lost to the void? Is this a bad omen for the summer? Now, I sit on the porch of River House where Natalie Gut, CAPS Fellow and friend, and I are staying for the summer. Our view of the turbulent Wenatchee River, thick, tall forests, and glorious mountains settle my nerves.

The Guild, like the environment it is placed in, maintains a balance between wild, unkempt chaos and serene moments of liveliness. The Guild is in transition. It, like the river that borders it, is flowing with change and new life. “What I love most about rivers is you can’t step in the same river twice,” Pocahontas (1995). The three co-directors, Julia, Kari, and Chance, started in April and will be experiencing a Guild summer for the first time like Natalie and me. They each bring a unique expertise and passion. Their leadership style is cooperative and values others’ input. This sacred space is deeply rooted in tradition, in history, in the past, much like the expansive forests that surround us. The challenge has become creating a fruitful ecosystem between the two powerful entities. Though with sharp edges, one can look to the shoreline to realize that this unification is possible. The mountains are symbolic of the challenges faced by The Guild staff. Challenges that feel insurmountable, until you turn around and see how each step of the hike has led you closer to the summit.

    Okay, okay, I’ll lay off the metaphor now and get into the details of my time here. As a general Communications major, I am seeing and experiencing many of my lessons being implemented in real-time. I’m experiencing an ideal version of leadership that I feel is seldom utilized. The directors are task-oriented and driven, but deeply value the humanity in work. We begin each day with a check-in of our priorities for the day as well as a reflection of our successes, challenges, and current headspace. We actively hold one another accountable for our tangible goals and self-care. These first two weeks are busy as we prepare for guests. We’ve been deep cleaning the art studios as well as stocking supplies for the miscellaneous mediums that will be taught this summer. I’ve begun to help with the social media schedule and rollout. This task will be a test of what I’ve learned over the past few years and I hope to increase interactions and help widen the scope of participants. Hospitality is a term that I think captures the general body of my work so far. Director Chance has quite an eye for detail and has provided me with a better understanding of presentation and guest accommodations. He, with Julia and Kari, have eased many of my fears upon entering this role. I was nervous that I “wouldn’t be enough” or that I “wouldn’t do enough” among other irrationalities. They have created a work environment where I feel comfortable asking questions and volunteering for new experiences. 


Since I am only one week in, I haven’t yet found the answers to my questions of calling and purpose. I know that at this mome nt my purpose is to serve The Guild by choreographing a successful summer of artistic expression, faith exploration, and community building. I must be satisfied with that response for now. Satisfied with the fact that my universal purpose and professional calling will not reveal themselves one week into a new experience. Hopefully, at the end of the summer when I check in with you again, I’ll have a more grand response.

– Katie Endres, Grunewald Guild

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