First of all I would like to apologize because after a rapid packing session to meet my friend Ciceron before we left for Mexico City, I forgot not only my hair dryer but my battery charger for my camera so sadly, this particular post will not feature any photos. No worries my friends, upon my return to UDLA (my university), photos will be displayed!

Currently, I am in Mexico City staying at the home of my friend Ciceron and his family. Mexico City is a vibrant city (with 20 million people, it better be) and HUGE! As we drove into the city on Tuesday night, all I saw was an endless sea of lights. This city just never seems to end.

On Wednesday and Thursday, we celebrated the Independence Day of Mexico. This was especially exciting because this year was the bicentennial and I’m in the heart and soul of this country! In addition to celebrating 200 years of Mexico, we also celebrated the cumpleaños or birthday of Ciceron’s grandmother. Before coming to Mexico, I wanted to celebrate Independence Day with Mexicans and oh man, did we celebrate! Initially, I thought a party for a grandmother would be somewhat quiet-nope, we’re in Mexico!

To make a long story somewhat short: in all honestly, I have never been to a family event or birthday party where it was so crazy and where I had as much fun as I did at this particular party. We ate delicious traditional Mexican food, had the best drinks, laughed and danced all night long By dancing, I’m talking family members from age twenty to seventy out there on the dance floor (pardon my expression), strutting their stuff as we danced salsa, merengue, and norteña. Oh, God bless the Mexicans. Celebrating life and independence to the maximum-this is Mexico. It’s a principle that is sticking with me. Having an experience like this was certainly unforgettable and a dear pleasure of mine-my hope is that there are many more to come.

More to come about Mexico City as we travel around the city.

Saludos and Viva Mexico!