Valpo Voyager

Student Stories from Around the World


I’m praying for a challenge.

After looking at some photos of  individuals participating in other study abroad programs, I’m realizing more and more that there’s something I feel is missing from my experience.  After some questioning and prayer over the past couple of days, I was in a state of bafflement as to what could possibly be missing with regard to my experience.  I have my boyfriend of five years, two dear sorority sisters, and some new and emerging friendships taking place.  I’m even meditating on this at the most beautiful café in Reutlingen, drinking a cappuccino!  What more could I want?

But maybe that’s it–I have (most) everything I could want with me in Germany.  This very blessing has reaped so many benefits thus far and I thank God for them every day.  However, now that I’m almost a month into the trip, I’m ready to start bringing in an element of sacrifice or challenge every single day.  There have been (laundry) and will be (low-rated hostels) days that present several challenges and require of me certain sacrifices, but when the day does not call for it, I want to pursue it. Whether this pursuit is emotional or physical in nature is not of importance, what is of importance is that I am pursuing a greater purpose.

This idea became increasingly clear to me as I took a long run among paths I had yet to travel.  The sun set as my body shed goosebumps and I realized how truly lucky I was to have this experience–to be able to run along these paths–to be able to run at all.  It was a weird feeling to feel both blessed and guilty all at the same time.  I didn’t know what to make of those feelings I was experiencing, but I do know that my feelings of guilt could be energy toward action.

They say God works in mysterious ways, and I’m willing to bet that calling me to greater challenges is all a part of His plan.  I don’t know how or what this entails, but I know He prevails.

Here’s to a new perspective, and many new experiences to come!

1 Comment

  1. I love your honesty about your experience! It’s so easy to compare our journeys with other people but we realize that it’s our beautiful and challenging journey filled with blessings that we learn to cherish. That’s wonderful you realized this-kudos and saludos from Mexico!

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