It’s a sunny Christmas Eve day here in Oaxaca city. Earlier this morning, Cynthia, Rebecca and I went to Monte Alban located about fifteen minutes from their house. Monte Alban is the ancient capital city of the proud and fierce civilization called the Zacatopecs. It was interesting because I had made a presentation about Monte Alban for my Spanish class so it was super exciting to see history in action!

On top of a pyramid in Monte Alban…never mind my bad hair, I was happy to be there!

Inside the ancient city, we walked and climbed the places where the Zacatopecs lived, sold goods, ate, argued, sacrificed their enemies and I’m sure enjoyed a good time every now and then. It was fascinating to know that I was walking where possibly the emperor of some great civilization once stood. Visiting the city that I had made a presentation on breathed life into the somewhat mundane facts. Perhaps I am a history nerd but you gotta admit, archeology and history is cool-just look at Indiana Jones!

Tonight, we are joining up with the family of Cynthia’s friend, Josue, and will be having a combined family dinner. As of now, I’m not sure what exactly that all entails but I definitely know we will be eating a LOT. My palate is eagerly waiting.

It’s bittersweet being here in Mexico for Christmas. It’s painful being away from family, friends and the familiar things such as snow and the 24-hour Christmas radio station. At times, I question whether I’m doing the right thing. With the exciting discovery of being in a new place, visiting places unexplored with warm-hearted friends, I still feel a slight sadness in my heart.

Cynthia and I also visited the Santo Domingo Cultural Center-a beautiful place to visit!

However, this is my dream-to live abroad and experience another culture. Being away from home for Christmas for the first time is hard and I’m not going lie…Christmas is another country is so exciting! I never realized after always living in the USA how much of a materialistic culture we are. It is true that materialism is very present in Mexico but its presence is not as strong. To be honest, it’s a relief to be enjoying the season with colorful lights and red poinsettias. In Oaxaca, I am finding a simple and beautiful spirit in Christmas…just what my soul needs.

More to come and Feliz Navidad dear readers!