The whole Reutlingen Crew. See you in May!

The whole Reutlingen Crew. See you in May!

For the past 48 hours I have had only one recurring thought going through my head: “What the Hell was I thinking?!!!”

Here’s how it all went down: I had my last dinner with the family the night before I was going to leave for Germany.  During dinner, I kept thinking about was how I was nowhere near ready to leave the country! I hadn’t even really started packing!! eeekkk What was I thinking? What were my parents thinking? I am a disorganized, irresponsible, self-centered, and not to mention accident prone, 20 year-old.  I mean, really, who in their right mind would allow me to leave the country??

Luckily, Eric my ex-boyfriend who was just in Germany this past semester was on Skype that night to aid me in the packing process. He also calmed me down after every single freak out, and there were a lot. (We are still on good terms…Obviously.) I didn’t finish packing until around 3:30 in the AM… Go me!  After finally falling asleep my mom walked in the room singing a little tune about how it was time to get up and get my butt out of the country.  I don’t really remember the words because I had my head buried in my pillow.  However, once she saw all the crap that I had packed, her sweet little tune turned into more of a rage as she flipped-out about how it would be impossible for me to cram it all on the plane. We had a little knock-down-drag-out about the whole packing situation, but we resolved in the end with minimal tears. I can’t really blame her for being angry; there was a lot. Although in my defense, I only brought the bare necessities in my two oversized rolling duffel bags, my medium sized purple carryon, my camera bag, and of course my backpack.  And you wouldn’t believe it, but I got it all on the plane! Win!!! Not to toot my own horn, but…. “TOOT!”

When we finally made it to the airport where LaDonna gave me my Eurail pass; then, I proceeded to go and check my luggage for the first time in my life.  A few choice words went through my head, but I won’t disclose them here.  Email me if you want to know.  Even with those PG13 thoughts rolling through my head, I did it! I actually put on my “Big-girl Panties,” and successfully checked my luggage on my own. Double win!!  We grabbed some pictures of the Reutlingen and Cambridge groups then we were off to security, which I also cleared!  I was on a roll!

While we were waiting to board flight 907 destination Munich I had my last meal, a Big Mac with large fries and a large Diet Coke, an American Classic.  As I was sitting there enjoying my scrumptiously greasy treat, the only thought running through my head was once again, “Good Golly Molly! I am going to Germany! What the Hell was I thinking….”