Professor Szaniszlo took us on a class trip to Stuggart, capital of Baden-Württemberg. When we arrived we took a tour of the Mercedes-Benz museum. The beginning of the movie Get Smart with Ann Hathaway and Steve Carell pretty much exemplifies the atmosphere of the Mercedes-Benz museum. When I walked into the state-of-the-art facility I seriously thought I had become a secret agent and was entering headquarters. It was SWEET!!! It was probably the coolest museum that I have ever been to. The museum was modeled after Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim in New York and was finished in 2006. The entire building is state-of-the-art; every building material is top-of-the-line, even down to the cement which has a higher concentration of cement than the normal stuff making the walls feel like marble. Pretentious much?…I think so! Our tour guide dressed like a secret agent and took us to the top floor using a futuristic looking elevator where the walls were lined with the leather in a Mercedes Benz. Seriously, look up pretentious in the dictionary, you will find Mercedes Benz.
We only had around an hour and forty-five minutes to spend in the museum, and according to the guide one could spend more than forty-two hours in the museum in order to see everything! Crazy, I know, but totally true. Unfortunately, my camera ran out of battery early on during the tour so I didn’t get many pictures, but I took a lot of mental ones! Click!

Futuristic elevator we took to the top floor where we started our tour with our guide, the secret agent.
After the Mercedes Benz tour, we got lunch at the train station and then we were off to take a bus tour of Stuggart. Our tour had both English and German speaking people so our guide spoke in both languages! First she would speak in German, and then she would start speaking in English! I was flabbergasted! Even though we had an awesome guide, I regrettably suck at bus tours. I tend to fall asleep within five minutes of the tour; I think it’s a combination of sitting down, the moving bus, and listening to a person with an accent that just puts me straight to sleep. Ask my parents about our trip to Ireland… So, I missed like two-thirds of that tour. I did wake up just in time to go up in the TV tour. I don’t remember how tall it was (I was asleep for that part of the tour), but the view was gorgeous. The sun had just come out and you could see for miles. I had to take a mental picture for that part of the tour too. Click!
February 9, 2011 at 8:44 am
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