View of Tubingen houses from the river.

Another amazing view of the houses of Tubingen along the river.

Remember me telling you in an earlier blog  that Reutlingen was the quintessential German town? LIES!! Tubingen totally takes the cake. Tubingen is an adorable college town.  It was one of the few places in Germany not destroyed during the war.  All of the medieval aspects of the town are preserved.  It has narrow cobble stones streets that wind around the town.  According to our Professor, Herr Springer, it is super easy to get lost if you don’t know what you are doing.  Veronica, Katy, and I loved Tubingen so much that have been there twice since we got to Germany.  It is just gorgeous! The first time it was rainy and Herr Springer took us on a short tour and told us a little bit of the history of the town.  Herr Springer is our Art History professor and he is pretty awesome!  He lives in Tubingen and has done some pretty interesting things in his lifetime.  He crossed the US from Boston to Los Angeles hitchhiking, and he won a semi-offical race contest on the big water slide of the open-air pool in Tubingen.

Frau Brixner cutting Nate's food. Nate broke his arm and isn't great with utensils.

The same day Herr Springer took us on the tour of Tubingen, we had our first faculty dinner where we met the Brixners for the first time. We all LOVE the Brixners!!! They are our German language professors and are a ton of fun! The Brixners have been with the program since its beginning! Our group is Reutlingen-87, just to give you an idea of how long the Brixners have been with the program.  I have Frau Brixner for my German 101 class and she is a hoot! There are only 4 of us in her class so we all get a lot of personal attention.  The other day she asked me to “springen sie!” which means to jump.  That is the first time a professor has asked me to jump during class.  I wish I knew how to say “how high?” in German.

Graffiti house

Katy, Veronica, and I went back to Tubingen the next weekend when it was warm and sunny.  During our second trip, we ate at this cute little Italian restaurant, and the food was delicious.  After spliting a banana split we continued our walk around the Tubingen and took a ton of pictures! We will definitely be returning again soon!