Driving past a beautiful sunflower field

So getting to Masaera, Tanzania isn’t exactly easy.  First we flew to Frankfurt Germany, than Edis Aba, Ehthiopia, and finally to Moshi, Tanzania.   There were had about an hour drive to Masaera, the village we worked in.   This ride was at least gorgeous since you could see the mountains and shrubbery.  As strange as it may be, Tanzania is actually pretty green with lots of flowers.  I personally loved driving by all the sunflower fields.  I also just enjoyed people watching out the window as they moved on the roads with goats and cows.  It was fun to look at advertisements in English as they did not quite grasp the right adjectives to describe certain things.  Obama’s face and name was everywhere including on buses and having hair salon’s named after him.

Eventually we turned off the main road onto a little dirt road that took us up farther into the mountains.  The rains had deteriorated a lot of this road so it was really bumpy.  The ongoing joke was that you needed to apologize to your kidneys afterwards because you moved around so much.  However, I enjoyed this ride quite a bit.  The kids we passed would excitingly wave at us as we passed and they were adorable.  Finally we arrived in the village we were working.  The next day I was coordinating the moving of supplies when out of nowhere I heard my name screamed.  I turned to see Jackie, my friend from last year, sprinting towards me.  We hugged and she welcomed me into her house to introduce me to her family.  That greeting alone made the 36 plus hours of travel worth it.