When I prepare for the grocery store, I make a list of everything I need. I mean usually I end up leaving with more than on my list, but hey, who doesn’t?? During finals (and I’m sure you can relate to this!) I make lists of everything that needs to get done. Sometimes I’m so swamped that I even need to write down time to relax and to stop stressing. Story of my LIFE!!!! Finding out I was accepted into the study abroad program and that I was going to be studying abroad in Reutlingen the spring of 2013, what did I do? That’s right. Made like 80 lists of everything that I was planning on taking with, what I wanted to see, things I wanted to do….writing lists was probably the stupidest thing I could have done at the time. Why? The whole point of writing lists, for me at least, was to reassure myself that I don’t need to stress about everything. Boy was I stupid. With each list I got more and more nervous. Try so nervous that I had almost-couldn’t-hold-the-pen-cause-my-palms-were-so-sweaty kind of nervous (which for a girl is pretty disgusting to admit – so I apologize in advance). Nervous couldn’t even begin to describe what I was feeling. I started to think about all the things that could go wrong. Not to freak you guys out, but it was stuff like forgetting my passport (not even possible, though who thinks rationally when they’re freaking out?!?!), not having enough money, buying the right passes, not packing too much or (oh my gosh!) not packing enough……you get the idea. But then a thought occurred to me. (And I hope with all this worrying, that I didn’t freak you out about studying abroad. Trust me; I can worry enough for the both of us.) And let me impart this wisdom upon
you: anything this nerve racking (and stressful!!!) must be exciting and worth all of the mixed emotions. Mixed emotions usually indicate something that is going to be so worthwhile that we often times look back and wonder just why we were so nervous and hesitant to begin with. Life is more unpredictable this way (and even a little fun!). And let me tell you, I am not comfortable with the unknown, but there’s just something about finally going to a place where I might not know what’s going to happen that gets me a little excited and that whatever will happen, I know that it’ll be worth it. Don’t get me wrong, family and friends will be sorely missed, but I also know that if I don’t take the chance to go now, when will the next chance for me to travel come? Never let an opportunity as priceless as this one be passed up. With the end of the semester coming, I might be stressing out about finals (let’s be real, I AM stressing out about finals), but the thought that I would be going on my own little adventure next semester keeps me going and makes it all worthwhile. Germany, here I come!!!!
By Mary-Ann Craft, German and Biology Majors from Kendallville, Indiana. More posts to come soon!!
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