Author: Caroline Dienes

Program:  Cambrige Study Center


I know it may sound cliche, and everyone has probably said this (and also said it sounds cliche)…but when you go abroad, your cohort becomes your family. I am with at least one member of the Cambridge cohort almost 24/7. Whether we are traveling to brand new places, eating, shopping, studying, or even sleeping (I have a roommate), everyone always seems to have a buddy. I broke this notion of always having a buddy on adventures when the Cambridge cohort went to the Lake District. The way I decided to break this habit of constantly having a partner was to climb a mountain.

With our time at the Lake District, our group went to the Grizedale Forest, a public forest preserve that includes many hiking paths, a sculpture walk, and ziplining. The majority of the Cambridge group wanted to go ziplining, but while they were figuring out all that went into that, I was fumbling through the hiking maps. Eventually, my finger finally found the red, bold letters that said “strenuous.” That strenuous description was for the Carron Crag Trail. That was the path for me.

That hike up to the highest peak in Grizedale, a height of 314 meters, was the longest time I have spent by myself with my time here abroad, and let me tell you something – It has been one of my favorite moments. I know my list of favorite moments is growing with every trip, but this moment will always stick out to me. Although I literally climbed up and down a mountain bike trail for a good chunk of the hike, I enjoyed every minute being on my own. I even celebrated getting to the very top by eating a sandwich and gazing out to all that I could see.

I know that some people would always like a buddy when they go off and experience never before seen places, but I advise those people to try it solo at least once while they are abroad. It can be as little as what I did – being in the same general area as the group, but doing your own thing. Or it can be as drastic as traveling to a whole different country on your own! Anything that will tell you, “Hey, I did this all by myself,” will feel like the greatest accomplishment. I promise you. To be honest, I felt like I was starring in my own version of 127 Hours on my entire hike. However, I did not have to cut my arm off.  When you go rogue, don’t fall into a situation where you have to cut your arm off. Just go rogue.

Stay Fresh,

Caroline Dienes