Author: Liam Bodlak
Location: Germany
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Fröhliche Weihnachten! It’s still a little bit (about two weeks as of my writing this) before Christmas, but the Christmas spirit is in full swing here in Germany. Christmas Markets are in just about every town here. They feature people selling food, drinks, and just general gift items. One of the more popular drinks here is gluhwein. It’s mulled wine that everyone in Germany drinks a lot of during the holidays, and it’s amazing. Hot wine tastes a little odd at first, but once you’re used to it it’s amazing.The overall vibe of Christmas in Germany is like nothing else. Hearing the music, seeing all of the people milling about, it’s something that never fails to amaze no matter how old you are. Some Christmas markets have different features. For example, Reutlingen’s has an ice skating rink, that I skated on for a bit and somehow managed not to fall. It’s a wholesome, fun experience that reminds us about how special the Christmas season really is. It reminded me of when my family would go see the living Nativity sets when me and my sister were younger. Something about the cold air, hot drinks, and the Christmas spirit just creates an incomparable vibe. That is 100% the corniest thing I’ve ever written, and it’s 100% true. Merry Christmas!

A picture I took at a Christmas Market in Prague
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