Author: Maia Moore
Program: Hangzhou, China – Study Center

If you are at least 18 years old, a US citizen, and studying abroad during an official election, you will need to turn in an absentee ballot for any and all elections. This can be a little confusing and complicated whether it’s your first time voting or 99th time voting. This guide will show you a simple step-by-step guide on how to vote abroad!
Step 1: Look up your state’s rules and regulations on absentee voting.
The first thing that one needs to do is find out the deadlines and rules on absentee voting for your state. You can simply use Google to search your state’s guidelines and it should take you directly to the state government’s website. For those of you who have limited access to Google (i.e. students in China), you can go to which will have the guidelines and deadlines for all 50 states plus territories.
Step 2: Fill out the FPCA
FPCA stands for Federal Post Card Application. This application registers you to vote and also requests your absentee ballot at the same time. The sooner you turn it in, the better. If you can turn it in before you leave the States, that’s fantastic. If not (like yours truly), that’s okay too! Make sure to check your state’s deadline on when this form is due and your state’s preferred method of delivery. Many states will accept it electronically, but there are still some states that use good old-fashioned snail mail. If your state is a mail-in state, then brush up on those language skills and head to the post office as soon as possible.
Step 3: Voting
Next, you need to actually vote! If your FPCA was received on time and approved, your absentee ballot should be sent to you either 30 or 45 days before the election. Keep in mind that once again, every state has a different method of sending and receiving the absentee ballot. Whether you receive yours electronically or by mail, make sure to fill it out and return it early! If you have not received your ballot and fear that you will not receive it in time, you can always send in a FWAB (Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot). Your local embassy/consulate will be able to help you with this.
Step 4: Reward yourself
This process can be stressful and time consuming if you have to physically mail in your FPCA and ballot. So go out and reward yourself for a job well done with your favorite local treat. You deserve it.