Valpo Voyager

Student Stories from Around the World

Tag: goodbye

Saying (a Temporary) Goodbye

 Today I have to find a way to summarize what the last four months have meant to me, and honestly, I have no idea where to start. I feel like everything I could possibly say has been said a million times before, and yet I feel compelled to say it again because I really wish that more people would take that leap of faith and go study abroad. No words can completely describe how amazing an experience it is or how profoundly it changes you.  It really would be a shame to miss out on this opportunity, so here is my final attempt to convince the masses.

    First there are the tangible things–all the travel, events, and adventures you get to have. In addition to the two 10-day class trips that are jam-packed with activities, we had over 25 other events, including many free meals, concerts, and excursions. During the semester, they keep you busy. And of course that doesn’t even count the long weekends and spring break, when you can just go anywhere and everywhere.

Like Prague:


and Paris:

     What’s arguably even more important are the intangible things you gain from this experience. You can meet people from all over the world. You’ll get completely comfortable hearing multiple languages, often spoken in the same room. You’ll learn that there is more than one good way to do pretty much anything. You’ll become a better problem-solver.  You’ll get over all of your dumb little fears.  You’ll learn how to do laundry, shop for groceries, and cook. (But hopefully you already do those things.)

     But what has by far meant the most to me is getting to wake up every single day and be really excited about life. I’ve become much more independent and confident. After you successfully navigate Europe pretty much on your own, you’ll feel like you can do anything. Because you can. If you think about it, there aren’t a whole lot of things that are harder than packing up your life and moving to another country, so once you’ve done that, suddenly, the things that used to scare you just don’t anymore. And more importantly, you come to the realization that it’s the scary things in life that end up being most worthwhile.

     Tomorrow, I have to say goodbye to Reutlingen, but I’m in a different position than most of my classmates.  This goodbye will be easier for me because it is only a temporary one. Because I get to come back in three months, I’m mostly just excited to go home right now. But come August, it’ll be time to put everything I learned to good use again. I guess more than anything else, today I feel grateful, for the transformative experience this semester has been, for the relaxing summer ahead, and for the opportunity to spend another year right here where I belong.


The End of Classes

I’ve finally completed my university course here and I have to say that it all feels a bit surreal. We had our exams on Wednesday which consisted of a 1 ½ hour written exam and a 20 minute oral exam. I studied quite a bit for it so I thought it was fairly easy overall. I got a 9 on the written exam (out of 10) which is really good because it’s much more difficult to get above an 8 than in the US. I got around a 9.25 on the oral exam and a 9/10 overall in the course (they call it “sobresaliente”) so I’m content with how everything has gone in general.

(Most) of My Class

Yesterday, we reviewed our exams and talked about our mistakes and then today was really just a “fiesta” day. Our professors gave us our certificates and we ate, talked, and took pictures for the rest of the time. I made a lot of really good friends in my classes and at the university and it didn’t really hit me that we are all going our separate ways until the end when we said our goodbyes.

This next week is going to be a bit strange as well. Tomorrow, all 5 of us from Valpo are going to Madrid to spend a few days there and then the other 4 are flying back to Chicago on Monday. Before coming here, I decided to stay about 2 weeks extra so on Wednesday I’m going to Norway to see a few friends. I’m returning to Spain on Sunday, May 20 and then I will either have 1 week left or four days in Spain.

Originally, my ticket to fly back to Chicago were for Monday the 28th but Iberia Airlines has announced a strike every Monday and Friday through July so I might be forced to change my flight (for the second time in Europe). The one thing that I will definitely NOT miss about Europe is the number and frequency of strikes and protests.

In any case, I still have a few blogs left to write but I’m saving a few for Madrid and Norway. I thought I should definitely write 1 or 2 blogs over Madrid since it’s the capitol. I haven’t toured or seen anything there yet so it will be good to stay there a few days.

Thanks for reading and if you’d like to follow me more closely, I have a Twitter account. If you’d like to see ALL of my photos, I also have a Picasa account.

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