The Date: September 18
9:00am – Wake up and pack a few things for a wonderful day of sun and sand
11:00am – Load 19 CGE students into a combie headed to Lake Oanob Resort

12:15pm – Arrive at Lake Oanob to find fewer sandy beaches than expected, but some awesome rocky underwater cliffs to jump off of. Stare in awe at the sight of water after not having seen any in a month. Slather on the sunscreen. Slip into our bathing suits. Dive in.

1:00pm – Discover another area of the resort complete with restaurant, pool, sandy beach, and fewer rocks. Settle in.
2:00pm – Order chicken nuggets from the kiddie menu. Discover that ranch dressing is a lot more difficult to describe than you’d think. Settle for ketchup instead.
2:45pm – Find a comfy spot on the sandy beach area and relax.
4:20pm – Grab some ice cream from the restaurant