“Sorry, what’d You Say?” When studying abroad, be prepared to ask this question-a lot. Additionally, get used to these: “Sorry, sir/ma’am, I don’t understand.” “Can you repeat that please?” “Huh?”

Three out of my four classes here in the Universidad de las Americas are completely in Spanish. The other day in my Marketing class, we were discussing the various concepts of marketing techniques. Mind you, this is an introduction class but is completely in Spanish. As my professor was explaining a concept, he turned and asked me a simple question concerning the topic. Well, if it had been in English, no problem. However, his rapid Spanish made it, well, extremely difficult for me.

Whenever this happens, my face turns red, palms become sweaty, my stomach becomes engulfed with queasiness and every knowledge of Spanish I ever learned becomes an instant case of amnesia. I normally stumble out some kind of Spanish, hoping it makes sense to my professor and hoping he never calls on me again. However, this time I decided to do things different. I asked him to repeat the question, “Que es la pregunta tambien?” My voice trembled at first and he didn’t understand me. So, I asked him again, “Que es la pregunta tambien?” He proceeded to ask the question again and granted my answer was not perfect, but I learned a very valuable lesson that day.

Whenever in another country, it is within your right to ask, “What is the question again?” “What did you say? I don’t understand” in addition to other questions that may arise. You are not stupid and never allow anyone to make you feel inferior. You are new to the culture and language. For heaven’s sake, be patient and respect yourself and expect nothing else from others. Never hesitant to look the person in the eye and ask them to repeat what they just said. Yes, you may feel shy but keep on asking until you understand properly-because it IS your right.

Concerning the constant mistakes I make with the language, well, I have to embrace them with class and charm. Every day I seem to become a stronger person because of this. Granted, my imperfections are many, but to feel inferior because of them, certainly not. It’s my inspiration to keep learning this beautiful language and exploring this beautiful culture…it’s all a glorious challenge.

With warmth,

Despite challenges in the classroom, my friends are very patient with my Spanish-there are always opportunities to make mistakes and learn from them.