After a long, yet entirely fulfilling three days in Rome, A.J. and I traveled to the coast of Italy in Bari.  Anxious to spend the next two days in a city neither of us knew much about, we settled in quickly, courtesy of a phenomenal accommodation and an even more phenomenal dinner on the evening of our arrival.

After lugging around our suitcases for nearly forty minutes, we finally reached a quaint looking area of Bari that we hoped we would be able to call “home” for the next few days.  Upon arriving at the restaurant where we were to check in, genuine happiness began to radiate throughout our faces.  For, the enticing atmosphere begged for our eager and hungry presence.  We told the refined Italian man who owned both the bed and breakfast and the restaurant that we would see him in a few minutes to dine after we were settled.

He walked us to the room where we would be staying with such poise. Treating us as if we were far more than two seemingly young people in love, he made sure to walk us through the room, turning on every light as if to show us his respect and confidence in the bed and breakfast.  After shaking hands, we bid him farewell.  Well, at least for a couple of minutes.

A.J. and I then headed to his restaurant to indulge in a delicious meal with him not only because we were so pleased with his bed and breakfast, but because we were such a state of desire for a good, hearty Italian meal.  It was refreshing to see that he was just as happy to see us again as we were happy to see him.  He sat us at an elegant table for two as he lit a candle and placed it in the center.  After choosing a bottle of wine, he poured it with such elegance and ease, allowing A.J. to have a sip of satisfaction before pouring the rest.  After he was done with his artistic presentation of the wine, he told us that he wanted to treat us to his favorite hors d’oeuvres while our only job would be to tell him when we were pleasantly fulfilled.

Starting off with a bowl of fresh, pitted olives, it didn’t take long before we realized what a perfect pairing it was with the wine.  Following the olives came homemade breadsticks, a delicious and flavorful plate of antipasta, fresh bruschetta, a perfectly designed cheese and meat platter, and a well-seasoned bowl of Italian nuts.  After most every plate was devoid of most all food remnants, dessert was soon to be on its way.  The warm, rich molten cake combined with the cold, creamy hazelnut cake ultimately resulted in the best combination of a dessert delicacy.

Even after five years, A.J. and I agree that that very evening marked one of the best we’ve shared together thus far.  Although several years have come and gone, it is encouraging to know that it is the simple things that allow such a unique happiness to occur.  The most memorable life moments don’t always have to be characterized by romantic,

elegant evenings in Paris or Rome, they can exist in a small, nostalgically attractive place where it seems that nobody else in the world exists but the two of you.

For more information on La Uascezze Bed and Breakfast in Bari, Italy visit: