After a week of too much school work, too much procrastination, and just enough dancing in the living room (to prolong the procrastination), the weekend finally arrived! However, there is nothing too exciting to report about this weekend because it’s been full of lounging by the pool and enjoying each other’s company.

Friday night half of us stayed in and just relaxed and watched some movies. On Saturday, a few of us went to the Namibia Crafts Centre which was completely overwhelming! I loved it, but now I think I need a whole other suitcase to hold everything that I’m going to want to buy friends and family…and myself too. A lot of the stores hold similar, typical African souvenirs; but there is one very large center with multiple vendors that has so many amazing, original works. I’m not planning on going back until right before we leave here or else I’ll blow my whole budget!

The rest of yesterday and this morning have been pretty lazy. We really wanted to go hiking this weekend, but it’s slightly complicated to find transportation to the trails without planning in advance. And we can’t go just anywhere because some of the mountains are not safe for tourists. Today, I’m just enjoying the sunshine and the warm weather. And there is nothing wrong with that!

A lot of advice from past students tells us to get out of the house whenever we can, which I intend to do as well. But my favorite piece of wisdom said “Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about what you choose to do – be it traveling, clubbing, or spending time in the house – whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it in Namibia and that’s way cool!” I wholeheartedly agree with this statement I think that it is a statement that should guide anyone’s travels to whatever continent they choose! (but don’t forget to wear sunscreen!)

I think I’ve repeated it 10 times in two days, but I really cannot wait for Wednesday when we leave for the coast! Looking forward to great long weekend in Swakopmund!