I haven’t written in a while; so, I thought I’d give ya’ll an update.  Germany is amazing; it was a little iffy there for a while when I had a few bouts of homesickness…though I had a few instigating factors. One instigator was when my professor gave me a B+ on a 3-page paper because it “wasn’t enough like a newspaper article.”  W.T.Heck?! There is no such thing as a 3-page newspaper article!  In my almost 8 years of journalism I have learned enough to know that your editor would KILL you if you wrote a 3-page article.  Then, I hurt my back and couldn’t walk.  I went to the doctor and he gave me a script for 600mg of Ibuprofen and a shot of what I am pretty sure was saline.  Thanks, Doc, I keep 200mg of Ibuprofen in my purse, and I know how to multiply.  Then, we had a few conflicts with in the R-87 group, but we’ve worked it out.  Tension within the group always happens during this time of the semester; people just get tired of each other.  To future study abroad students, it’s okay to want to kick your fellow classmates in the teeth.  People are generally obnoxious creatures, (with the exception of myself, of course) and spending almost all of your time together doesn’t help matters.  I found that venting really helps. If you are looking for someone to vent to, you can always Skype with me.  My screen name is digginfordollars.  Also, taking a nice long walk always helps ease stress.

Don’t worry things have definitely improved since my bout of homesickness. We recently activated our Eurail passes, and we have been making quite good use of them.  That is partly the reason why I haven’t posted in a while.  So far I have traveled to Budapest, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Spain.  They all were amazing!

I finished both my Beer and Wine degrees, and I am thinking about putting it on my resume right next to the part where I mention that I am a Reverend.  Don’t believe me? I have the certificate to prove it!  My friend Hanna came for the weekend and we got a diploma together; she got her wine and I got my beer.  We ended up playing Go Fish with coasters that night, and the funny part is that it actually worked! We both have keen imaginations.

Bethany in Barcelona

Since my last post, I have also acquired a pet duck named Bethany, and I love her.  We have been traveling the world together. Get ready for some amazing pictures.  She is currently sitting next to me while I write this little blurb. (Don’t worry she’s a stuffed animal.)

Let see, what else can I tell you…I started reading Catcher in the Rye again.  I love Holden Caulfield.  I really do.  I identify with him.  I feel bad for not actually reading it in high school.  Sorry, Mr. Hill.  It’s not that I didn’t like you; I just didn’t like being told what to read.  I think I might have Oppositional Defiance Disorder.  It’s a real disorder look it up on Google.  I’ve always wanted  to use that as an excuse.  “I’m sorry I didn’t finish the homework professor, I have a ODD.”  How far do you think that would get me? I’ve also always wanted to ask a teacher how to spell a word during a spelling test.  What do you think they’d do? Now I am off track.  I hate it when I do that.  I was telling you about life in Germany.  Like I said before, Germany is pretty much amazing.  I have discovered 3 new addictions: Bretzels, Haribo candy, and Rittersport.  And that is pretty much the summary of the Life of Hayden at the moment.  Stay tuned for more in the days to come. Ciao!