One of my jobs on the trip was to measure the length of rebar required to reinforce our drop box. After the generator broke, I took my job to the market where there was electricity in one of the shops. However, once the villagers started cutting they did not need my help. Instead I played with three of the cutest little kids I have ever seen. They lived off the market and on non-market days they used the booths as their personal playground. They laughed and giggled and ran around. I tried to teach them how to do some very basic dance moves, but they just laughed at me. I got the same reaction when I tried to get them to make funny faces at me. Eventually we started playing chase where they would run away from me laughing and I would follow them through the banana trees. They ran past an old woman doing laundry a few times and with each passing she would give me this huge grin and laugh as I played with the children. It was such a simple gesture that made the kids so excited. Later that day when I returned to the market, the kids got my attention and then took off running through the trees wanting to continue playing with me.
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