Getting ready to raft

As a part of the program here in Namibia, we are allotted one week of travel on our own. Our group here did a variety of things including visiting Victoria Falls, traveling to the Skeleton Coast, and some decided to road trip around Southern Africa. I decided that I wanted to do something that was stress free. So four friends and I headed to the border of Namibia and South Africa and rafted down a river for a week.

Jumping off a cliff

The river is called the Orange River and it is nestled between two mountain ranges; one in Nambia and the other in South Africa. We rafted for four days and saw somuch. The first day on the river we climbed a massive rock and jumped off of it into the river. Later in the week we rode down rapids with just a life jacket. My favorite part of the trip though was every night we would set up camp on the river bank and literally I would fall asleep looking at the stars. When I’d wake up in the morning I would see the sun rising above the mountains. Never in my life have I ever been surrounded by pure untainted beauty.

Sitting in the back of the raft

My vacation was just what the doctor ordered. I had so much fun with my friends, but also got to relax in the beauty of Southern Africa. I’m now back in Windhoek and the days are flying by. I have one month left here and then we head to Cape Town to finish our time here. I can’t wait to see what these last few weeks entail because I know they will be nothing less than amazing.