During our pre-departure meetings we were warned that there would be a time during the semester where we will be sick, it was inevitable. So naturally after having been told this, I disagreed with this warning and had complete confidence in my strong immune system. Well a few weeks ago, I was kicked off my high horse and got sick. Instead of doing the responsible thing and lying low for a few days, I decided to spend the weekend in Bruges, Belgium. And I am definitely glad my desire to travel outweighed my desire to stay in bed the entire weekend.

One of Bruges' many canals

We only had a regular two day weekend, so we figured why not go to Belgium? So I packed up the whopping two Tylenol Cold Medicine pills I had brought with me and left after classes. After probably spreading the love of  cold season to the entire train car, we arrived in Bruges. Though it was eleven o’clock at night, the moment we walked into town, I knew I would love the city. The next morning after taking some extra tea bags for the road, we wandered around Bruges. If I thought Bruges was pretty at night, it was even more adorable during the day. We first went to the local market where there were stands ranging from fresh fish to hand crafted jewelry. After spending some time and money there we decided to experience a real Belgian Waffle. And let me tell you, there is a reason why they are called Belgian waffles. Even in my drowsy state where nothing tasted good, that had to be the best waffle I have ever had. What better to do after eating a little taste of heaven than to go on a brewery tour with a very charismatic tour guide and buy a basket of French fries (ironically enough they were invented in Belgium). We continued eating our way through Bruges by going to an old fashion chocolate shop to taste Belgium chocolate. Belgium was definitely three for three that day.

Once we were full of Belgian classics, we started to make our way back to Germany, starting with a train ride at eleven o’clock at night and spending the night in the Welkenraedt Train Station platform. The city of Welkenraedt just didn’t have the same appeal as Bruges did at three in the morning. Finally morning came and we were able to make it back to Reutlingen. Once the sense of the night’s adventures faded, my cold systems began to make themselves known again. And the six hour nap that followed was much needed. However, I do not regret traveling while being sick because I was able to experience so much and tour around one of my favorite cities. What I do regret is my lack thereof cold medicine.

Brewery Tour

Check out more of my study abroad photos at https://plus.google.com/photos/113496106333285759017/albums?banner=pwa