So as I start to pack up all my belongings in my dorm room. It has given me time to ponder about my time in Germany and study abroad. If you are reading this and thinking that this is going to be the cliché blog about how much studying abroad has change my life, then you are right. When it boils down to it, how could spending four months in a foreign country not change you at least a little bit.

I think studying abroad really offers you a chance for you to grow more confident in yourself. When you are placed in a completely different environment and are struggling to communicate with the language, you really need to be out going and try to show that you are making an effort. For example when you are at a train station and wondering why your train is late or not at the right platform, you have to assert yourself and go find someone to help explain yourself.  Or when you find yourself lost in the middle of nowhere, you have to be either a) confident in your map abilities or b) confident that you can ask someone where the heck you are.

Studying abroad also really opens up your mind to the world. Another cheesy saying but it is true. I thought since I had traveled before I wouldn’t be changed in this aspect as much as it did. I have a new appreciation for the international students that come to Valpo because at least in Germany we are surrounded by other international students but when they come to Valpo, they are on their own surrounded by a lot of loud Americas. Overall I am really going to miss Germany and all the friends I have made here but I am excited to go back to the us.

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