Although I have had very little class time so far this semester, I’m enjoying what I have learned and excited for what knowledge has yet to come. The majority of my time I have been interning at Bernard Nordkamp Centre (BNC), where underprivileged children (grade 1-7) seek academic assistance after school. So far, I have worked with first and second graders, helping them with reading and on occasion, grammar. Students and I meet one-on-one and he/she reads to me. Education is not my college major and I have never taught anyone to read, which is more challenging than I anticipated.

I’ve only been at BNC for one week, and I understand how people are passionate about education. It’s endearing to work with children who are eager to learn and want to make improvements. From what my supervisor has told me, not all the BNC students are as interested as others, but for the most part, they are all there because they want to be. Working with children who want to learn is the best part of my internship, but leaves me in awe at the same time. I felt my mouth drop open when I learned that teachers sometimes hit the students with a branch or ruler and call them  “stupid” if they aren’t understanding. I couldn’t help but wonder how students could be enthusiastic about learning when they are punished for not understanding the material. Knowing this, BNC is truly a great place for students. They come after school, have a little bit of free time, eat, and learn. They are encouraged and taught with enthusiasm and respect, which is what they need.

In other news, my group and I have been enjoying Namibia. During the day we go often times go off in different directions, whether it be to class or an internship, but reunite for dinner. We have an awesome community and have been enjoying ourselves. On weekends we like to go shopping, hang out by the pool, and hit the town at night. We have community events on Sundays, where we all do activities as a group. Last week, we had a picnic in Parliament Gardens and this week we will be having a pool party. The semester is already flying by, but we have been sure to soak up all the knowledge and fun that we possibly can!