Two days ago, everyone finished with final papers and projects at the Center. It is crazy how fast time has gone this semester. I know I speak for everyone when I say that it flew by much faster than we would have liked. Since I have been here longer than most people who do this program, I think it will be that much harder to say goodbye. For my final post, I just wanted to share a few thoughts and things I’ve learned while Studying Abroad.

The world is much bigger now. I have travelled to other countries before coming here, but that was nothing compared to living in another culture. I figured out how to travel on my own, and navigate a completely different culture on my own, and for that reason, I will never look at the world the same way anymore. I am no longer a part of a small, American bubble; I have international eyes.

IMG_6129It’s okay to not go it alone. I am a very independent person. I don’t mind going places on my own, and being on my own. Sometimes I function better that way. But I could not have done this without the people that I have had the honor of meeting this semester. They have taught me that I don’t always have to be alone, and that building relationships with them and making them my family is just as important as the things I’m doing and seeing.

Take the jump. I take risks all the time. I wasn’t afraid of spending a year in another country, away from my family and friends and my home. I knew that this place was going to be my home, and I was okay with that. But I have also learned that if I have ever had to make a decision about taking a day trip or staying home, going out or staying in, making friends or staying away, you take the jump. Do the things you might not want to do, and you might find something incredible. It’s worth the risk.

It’s okay to do things for you. One of the things that I am best at is taking care of other people. If you need help, you can bet that I’ll be there, and if you need me, I’m here for you. When you spend so much time taking care of other people, sometimes you forget to do things for yourself. This experience abroad has been all about doing things for me, and while that took a lot of getting used to, it was the best thing that ever could have happened to me. I got to know myself, who I am, and who I want to be so much better, just living here. It’s an eye-opening thing, and I am so grateful to have had that opportunity.

IMG_6107_2Goodbye is not forever. One of my housemates has said to me, “Turn what you love about this place, and make it your reason to come back.” Living here for a year, and not wanting to go home at all, it’s hard to hear someone say that, because it doesn’t help me feel better about leaving. But what he said was true, and it’s important to remember, because this doesn’t have to be the end. This place is your home; it leaves an impression on you, takes a piece of your heart. I know that I will be back, and that I have all these memories to hold onto. Saying goodbye to this experience doesn’t mean that this is where it ends; I will come back home.

It’s been an amazing year, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I appreciate the opportunities I have had while I’ve been here, and I look forward to the next chapter in my life as this one closes. Thank you all for reading.
