A place with unimaginable beauty.

mmexport1446293476642Two words. LiJiang. Who knew a city I had never heard of prior to coming to China, would leave one of the biggest impressions on me during my stay here. This city is encased by a natural beauty that one cannot see while living in the city. 4hrs away by plane, LiJiang was a city that surpassed my imagination. It was a place where the NaXi people (an ethnic Chinese minority) thrived. I was essentially taken to another world where I questioned, whether or not what I was seeing with my eyes was actually real. So wait how did I get here?

In amidst of finding a place to travel to for a short trip, LiJiang was a city that kept coming up, whenever I would ask my Chinese friends of a good destination to go to. My first reaction was, why? What made LiJiang such a special place that I MUST travel to during my stay in China? Well, for one, it has Jade-snow dragon mountain and two, it has Old Town, a place that was older than the discovery of America itself. mmexport1446394631188

Although my trip to LiJiang was extremely short, I was able to travel to a place that took me out of the city bustle. I was able to see some of the bluest waters in the world and visit a well that people had been using since the early 12th century. During my get-away I was able to reflect and realize that we as humans are just a small part of the every growing and diversifying universe. The beauty I saw in Lijiang was something that I am not able to experience in the states and is something I will never forget.
