Valpo Voyager

Student Stories from Around the World

Tag: Study abroad (page 12 of 13)

Life of a Blogger

So here is the most interesting thing about being a blogger: the more you have to blog about, the less time you have to blog! Thus is my life lately, but since I have loved every minute of it, I am not complaining. Since I have last reported, I have been to 7 castles, 3 countries, and countless new cities. I have also taken on the task of cooking another common meal (5th as a cooker and 3rd as an organizer, not that anyone’s counting), this one being an Easter feast for 17 people! And with finals right around the corner, I’ve been fairly busy. However, I’m going to try to give you the highlights of everything I’ve seen and most likely the majority of that will be through pictures because I have seen and done so much! But hopefully, through a little explanation of each one you can see about some of the most amazing places I’ve ever been. If you have any more questions about any place or anything about studying abroad while at Valparaiso or in general, feel free to email me at

Castle Numero Uno!

Kenilworth Castle in England was the very first castle we visited on our group trip. The castle fit the stereotype of an old castle because it was mostly in ruins. By far, the most interesting part of the castle’s history is that the majority of it was built for Queen Elizabeth I by Robert Dudley for the Queen’s visit where she planned to stay for less than one month!


Second Castle: Warwick

Next we visited the Renaissance-festival-esque castle of Warwick. With (sometimes very attractive) people in costumes and various shows running throughout the day, it’s hard to beat Warwick. I got to see four HUGE birds up very closely and I saw a flaming trebuchet get fired. Now that’s what I call a day at the castle.


The Roman Baths of Bath

The city of Bath is famous for, wouldn’t ya have guessed, the old Roman Baths! What makes these baths different from the public baths located in many old cities is that this water came from a mineral hot springs. The water was such a gift to the city, that the Romans believed the spring to be a gift from Athena, goddess of wisdom and war. There was a temple erected and a huge bath facility set up, all with huge religious significance. It gave me a very interesting view into daily and religious life of the time period. Also, for Jane Austen fans, the Bath house is connected to the famous pump room where her characters came to drink the famous water!

Valpo Students at Stonehenge

Although mysterious and interesting, Stonehenge is mainly a glorified photo-op. But as you can see here, we took advantage of the situation to pose for Valpo!

Windsor: the Queen's OTHER Castle

Windsor Castle, the part time residence of the Royal Family, was lovely to see. It is large, lavish, and lively yet also retains its iconic castle-ness. Although we were pretty wiped out by this part of our trip, it was still pretty cool to see a place where the Queen may have been just down the hall… probably not, but you never know.

The Beach in Keri

Overlook from Keri Lighthouse

The Greek Ionian island of Zakynthos was Hanna and my little slice of heaven for three lovely days! We were literally the only tourists on the island and stayed in the only open hotel and were the only guests there. The owners were AMAZING and acted like our foster parents. It was fantastic. I got a tan. Go me.

Athens: I Spy the Parthenon!

Beachin' It!

Temple of Poseidon

Athens. What to say about Athens. The Acropolis/Parthenon is cool. The Temple of Poseidon is REALLY cool. Plus, it had the advantage of having a beach (pictured right above it) right next to it! I continued to tan and it was lovely. Really, if you go to Athens, it is worth the hour bus ride out of the city.

My Family in Cambridge!

The final week of my two week break, I had the wonderful honor of spending with my mom, dad, and younger siblings touring the United Kingdom country side. We covered London, Hampton Court Palace, Cambridge, Warwick, Stratford-upon-Avon, Bath, Cardiff, Caerphilly, Raglan, Lacock…. I know, I’m just listing now. But every new place was a new discovery. I finally got to see Wales, which I’m glad I didn’t leave the UK without seeing. Their castles were fierce (they had moats, what else could you need!), their culture was unique (who knew that Welsh was still a spoken language? Not me!), and the land was just lovely. It was hard to see my family leave, but I know that I will be home and missing Europe far too soon. But for now, just wish me luck on cooking Easter dinner for 17 people!

I've already finished the adorable Nest Cookies!

Look at the rest of my pictures and I look forward to telling you about Ireland when I return to prepare for a Royal Wedding!

Non et Oui a Paris!

Translation: (more or less…) What to Do and What Not to Do in Paris!

The Eiffel Tower!

Definitely see all the big Paris sites! The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Louvre, and the Moulin Rouge are easy to see in one day as none of them take a very long time to see the majority of and take lots of lovely pictures! You can walk between most of them or, if you are not much of a walker, the underground is pretty cheap and easy to use.

The Palace of Versailles

Don’t pay entrance fees! Seriously. If you are a student or under 26 you can almost always get in to places for free or reduced rates. We got into the Musee d’Orsay for a reduced price and into the Louvre and the Palace of Versailles for free. Plus, there are so many things that are free to everyone including Notre Dame, Sacre Coer, and the Montmatre overlook.

Cutest Village Ever

Take advantage of Paris’ awesome sandwiches and crepes! A sit down meal can easily cost you anywhere from 15 to 100 Euros in Paris if you are not careful. But all through the city are stands and patisseries selling many yummy meals for relatively cheap. Save your money for all of the really cute Paris souvenirs!

The Eiffel Tower sparkling!

Don’t waste your money drinking. Well, not at pubs or restaurants. A pint on St. Patrick’s day ran me 7 Euro 50, that’s like 10 US dollars to have a pint of cider. If you still have a hankering, it’s much easier on your budget if you buy from the grocery store. An entire bottle of wine runs for half of what my one pint cost me.

Do take the time to go see Versailles. The Palace is stunning and the Hall of Mirrors is famous! Plus the estate is huge and beautiful. There are lots of buildings to look at, including the cutest village I’ve ever seen. We ended up spending almost an entire day there wondering around the estate. And I bet it is even prettier in spring or summer when they have the fountains running.

Don’t miss seeing everything at night! Paris really lights up and looks gorgeous at night. All of the beautiful sights that you go to during the day are worth a see at night. Some of my favorite pictures from the whole trip I took after the sun set.

View from Montmatre at night

Don’t overpay. I have one word for you: barter. The souvenirs are much more expensive at stores than they are from the vendors. Although those people selling mini Eiffel Towers are super annoying, something that you may find for 15 Euros in the store they are selling for 7. And it’s not difficult to make them cut that in half. Just say no thank you when they ask for 7 and then they will ask you how much you will pay for it and you can say something ridiculously low like 2 or 3. When they say no, just walk away. They will come after you and sell it to you for what you ask, go you!

Moulin Rouge lit up

Take the chunnel! It is so easy! Plus, if you buy your tickets early you can get them for cheaper than even the cheapest flights to Paris.
Needless to say, I learned all of this on my most recent excursion to the continent. I had a blast and I hope that all of you get the time in your life to say the same! Check out all my pictures here!

Ich Liebe Dich!

The Old Bridge in Lucerne, Switzerland

I can’t say a lot in German, but I did know how to say “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “Please,” “Thank You,” and “I love you.” I tried to throw these out as much as possible and “Ich liebe dich” or “I love you” kept coming up. Mostly in reference to the places we were visiting! When we got to Lucerne I immediately noticed the largest difference from England from the entire trip. And that was that Swiss people are so nice, like so, so nice. On the train, a couple overheard us talking about our hostel and they offered directions and helpful bits of advice for our trip without us even asking. Then on the walk to our hostel we stopped to check a map and within the minute a man—dressed as a revolutionary as it was still Mardi Gras—offered us directions yet again! The entire time we had spent in England, I’ve never met such outwardly friendly people.

Gorgeous Lucerne!

Thanks to all the help, we had no trouble finding our hostel where we crashed for the night. The next morning when we emerged from our hostel we were all dumbfounded by the amazing surroundings we hadn’t noticed because of how dark it was when we got in the night before. Lucerne’s quaint buildings and houses were nestled around a cool alpine lake surrounded by the Alps. The water was full of elegant swans and friendly ducks. The mountains rose suddenly, taking bits of the town up with them, into stunning snow covered peaks. We spent the day wondering the streets then sitting, then wandering around the lake then sitting, then hiking in the mountains then sitting. It was a pretty fantastic way to see Lucerne actually.

The Gutsch!!

The highlight of the day by far was when we saw “The Gutsch” (a huge palace like hotel perched high on a mountain side) and decided to walk to it. The walk wasn’t near as bad as expected and the path gave way to a beautiful forest whose trail was marked with a fresh water spring which we all used to quench our thirst. Side note—you can drink all the water from the springs in Switzerland unless specifically noted. The Gutsch offered a stunning panorama of the city, the lake, and the Alps; it really was breathtaking. The biggest drawback to Switzerland was by far the price of food. If I thought food in England was expensive, a quick trip to Switzerland would clear that matter right up.

Pretty Flowers at our picnic spot in Zurich

The next day as we sat on the lake-side stoop we had claimed as our own and ate breakfast, I knew it would be so hard to leave Lucerne. However, I reassured myself that I would be back one day and that I would treat myself to a night at The Gutsch. We got on our train to Zurich and spent the majority of the day there. Zurich was not nearly as pretty or interesting as Lucerne, but it reminded me a lot of Denver and nothing of England. The cars were big like America, not small and “smart” like England and Italy. We ended up eating dinner in a park with food we bought from a grocery store because Swiss food turned out to be too expensive, yet again.

After our make-shift picnic, we got on a train to Munich where we arrived somewhat disheveled but still managed to find our way to the hostel because it was really close to the train station. The next morning, we were dumbfounded by the bus system but eventually figured out how to take the metro/bus to get to Duchau concentration camp. Public transportation in Germany is so much cheaper than England! We got unlimited day transportation for 3.80 Euros a piece, whereas one ride on the London Tube is around 1.80 pounds! So that was awesome. Duchau was sad and humbling. It is hard to believe that human kind could ever have been that heartless and it made me pray that nothing like that will ever happen again.

After returning from Duchau we stopped into a very cute and very authentic German restaurant and had a (relatively inexpensive!) Bavarian style meal! There were men in lederhosen and children drinking beer (ok, apple juice from a beer stein… we think…) and everyone just seemed really happy. It made me very proud of my hair-itage (as I say this as I touch my hair, in honor of the band Lost & Found).

Haufbrauhaus, see my initials!?

We spent the rest of the day exploring Munich until we had all you can eat fajitas (because Europe has Mexican restaurants and England doesn’t!) for dinner and then we went to the Haufbrauhaus. Now, before I go into this, I need to explain to you two things: 1) I hate beer. 2) I love the Haufbrauhaus because it makes me proud to be German and my initials (HB) are one everything. These conflicting feelings made me anxious to go because I wanted to drink beer out of one of their huge awesome steins! But I knew I wouldn’t be able to stand it. What we ended up doing was my friend Lauren and I split one and actually managed— small sips at a time—to finish the whole thing. Go us.

View from the castle!


The next day may have been my favorite day of the whole trip, jury is still out. We woke up relatively early and got on a train that took us into the Alps (yay!) to the town of Fussen to see the famous Neuschwanstein castle that inspired Disney’s Cinderella castle. I expected to love the castle, but a couple things caught me off guard. First of all, this place looked so much like my home! The greenery was similar, the mountains were similar, it was just amazing. The second thing was that usually the insides of castles are disappointing. I always expect them to feel grand and lavish, but usually they are cold and stony. Neuschwanstein, however, was absolutely no disappointment. Everything was ornate and decorated and everything there was still originals.

After hiking around the castle, we returned to Munich and met up with Sabrina, a friend of Lauren’s who had studied abroad and stayed at their house some years earlier. Sabrina and her fiancé treated us to my favorite meal of the whole trip. I had an amazing Bavarian meal smothered in mushroom sauce and seemingly endless rounds of drinks (turns out beer is pretty good mixed with lemonade). But the best part by far was the camaraderie, they taught us how to toast like a German (“Prost!”) and told many highly entertaining stories. The brewery was nothing like pubs in England where people tend to keep to themselves and things never seem to be too crowded or too out of hand. This brewery had long tables and you sat and ate and toasted with people you didn’t know. It was so much fun and I really never have been prouder to be a Bauer (which is on many-a signs in Germany) and German. Check out the rest of my pictures here and I look forward to reporting back again soon after Paris this weekend!

When In Rome!

Leaving England for Ten Days!

From the ground it already appeared to be night time, but as our plane rose steadily above the clouds the sun was just dipping below the curve of the earth and out of our view. The city lights below sparkled amidst the land below, black like spilled ink, and above us the deep blue of twilight was lit by one single star. In between the two, the sun gave its last appeal for daytime and bathed the horizon line in light the color of nectarines still dangling from their branches. And there, on our cheap RyanAir flight, began ten of some of the most beautiful days I have ever experienced.

The Spanish Steps

Our flight got in pretty late so we went straight to our hostel. We had some trouble with the workers not having correct change, but after getting that straightened out and a free drink at the hostel bar we crashed. The next five days were a whirl-wind of Italian craziness! Both days in Rome we walked at least twenty miles to try to get in as many of the sights as we could. Rome is much more spread out than a lot of the towns I’ve visited in the UK and, unlike the London Tube, Rome’s Metro was very limited. We started by seeing the ruins at Palatine Hill which got us a ticket into the Coliseum as well. After that, just as night was falling we visited the Spanish Steps, Pantheon, and Trevi Fountain. It was so pretty because the rain finally let up but the wet streets were reflecting back all of the cities colorful lights. The next day we did the Vatican and walked through a park to an overlook of Rome. What struck me about Rome, and Pompeii the next day, was how old it was. England feels significantly older than America, but Rome is just so much older.

The Ruins at Palatine Hill

The Coliseum

Trevi Fountain

Rome at Night! That lit up building is the Vatican!

Some of the MANY ruins at Pompeii

The Leaning Tower of Pisa!

After Pompeii the next day, we took a train to Florence where we stayed in the most adorable hostel ever. If you could even call it a hostel, it reminded me much more of staying the night at my grandparents’ house. And Marta, the owner, reminded me of someone’s adorable and eccentric grandmother. After sweet dreams of my own grandparents, I woke up and went along with my traveling group to Pisa mostly just to take the cliché, but oh-so iconic, leaning tower pictures. Pisa turned out to be an adorable and picturesque Italian town and I loved it! After returning from Pisa, we walked around Florence and saw many churches and even hiked to a stunning scenic overlook. The hills and overlooks of Europe were a wonderful change from the basic flatness of England.

A Canal of Venice!

Our last day in Italy was quite the experience! After a two hour train from Florence to Venice we realized instantly the sheer number of people there and most of them in costume! Ashamedly, it took us a walk all the way across the city and through the famous square before we started to realize there was no way this was a normal day in Venice during off-season. After a while of contemplating it occurred to me that we were traveling on Ash Wednesday, making that day Mardi Gras! And we were in Venice! I don’t think we could have planned it that well if we had tried! We quickly bought some masks and walked around the city fitting right in. Venice is like a whole different world from England, with no motor cars, only tiny winding streets for walking and grand canals with stately gondolas. After our lovely day enjoying the sun and gelato in Venice we got on a very nice train which took us all the way to Lucerne, Switzerland, kicking off a whole new chapter of our travels with an entirely different kind of beauty. Check back and I will be posting blogs about Switzerland and Germany! And check out all of my pictures here!

Overlook of Florence

Before I Leave the Country…

A lot has happened since my last post, I have slowly but surely been trying to put my life together. Living off of borrowed money has been hard, but now that I once again have access to my bank account things are starting to look up. WAY up actually. Tomorrow I leave for my longest trip of the semester. Over the span of ten days I will be visiting Italy, Switzerland, and Germany, hitting cities like Rome, Florence, Venice, Lucerne, Zurich, and Munich. Needless to say, I’m pretty pumped. But before I leave I decided that my blogs are not accurately showing you how much fun we have just hanging around Cambridge! So I decided to post some pictures so that you have a better idea of my life here:

Enjoying the night life!

High Tea and Scones!

High Tea and Scones!


My Tea and Scones

Having fun preparing Common Meal!

Post Common Meal Fun

Post Common Meal Fun

Enjoying Jello during our classroom party!

Wondering the rainy streets of Cambridge!

Wondering the rainy streets of Cambridge!

Overall, I'd say we are a pretty fun bunch!

Definitely keep checking back, my next post is gunna be a hefty one! I can’t wait for Europe and I really can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Living La Vida Loca

River Cam

River Cam downtown Cambridge

So this semester I plan to be in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, and Greece. I’m traveling the world, but I have it on special request to tell my readers about what my life is like here in Cambridge when I am not traveling. Considering I am spending around 70% of my semester in Cambridge going to class, I guess that is logical.

First of all, I love it here. Maybe the British people don’t think we are the coolest thing since sliced bread, but I think they are fantastic! And if you spend time finding the right ones, not all of them have negative preconceived notions about you either. The streets that run through town are pretty small so only taxis and buses are allowed on them. Oh and bicycles, lots and lots of bicycles.

But as for my classes, we are four weeks in and I still don’t know my schedule. I know that I go to class at 9:15 every morning (all of our classes take place in the same room) and that the first class ends at 10:30 at which point I collapse on the couch and take a deep 15 minute nap before I go back for the second class of the day. The only day we have another class after those is Monday, I think. I don’t know which classes are when, but it doesn’t really matter with the way things work around here. I love being done by 12:00 3 days of the week!

Pub Quiz

At a Pub Quiz, homework for English Life and Culture

I am taking Theology, History, Art Appreciation, Classical Mythology, and English Life and Culture. Our Theology professor is the Reverend at the church next door, runs the seminary attached to it, and is about the sweetest British man in the whole world. We went to church one day and sat behind him and his grandkids came in and were so happy to see him, it just melted my heart! Our History teacher is an Irish born English man who has an opinion about everything. His teaching is interesting, opinionated, and keeps everyone on their toes. Our Art teacher is a sweet Welsh woman who sure can talk about Art. Mark Farmer (our leader here at the center) teaches the last of the two classes and even though they involve the most work of any of our other classes, they also teach us a lot about things that are relevant to our stay here.

Common Meal

My Common Meal

As awesome as all these classes are, my favorite thing about the week here is by far Wednesday nights, when all the hands of the household gather in our two kitchens and set to work chopping, boiling, pounding, and anything else the head or second-in-command chef tells them to do. Then we eat what is always our best meal of the week and we talk and laugh and it is wonderful. We share our highs and lows from the past week, which is always nice when you don’t always know what your house-mates have been up to.

Two weeks ago I led my common meal and it was so much fun! I made Chicken Parmesan and it turned out just wonderfully. I hope that I take these excellent cooking skills home with me!


Group Picture Before Common Meal

Maybe I’m Nowhere Close to Cathedral-ed Out

Ely Cathedral Outside

Mark told us not to expect too much, we saw the cathedral at Glasgow, this would be about the same. Wrong. From the second the cathedral came into view we could tell it was massive, and from the second we walked through the (very) large doors we could tell that it was stunning. We wondered the premises for about 20 minute (waiting for our tour guide), the whole time delighting in the way the stone was bathed in warm late afternoon sunlight spilling in through the stained glass.

Inside Ely Cathedral

When our tour guide arrived, I could When our tour guide arrived I could tell right away we’d lucked out. Not a performer, John knew his stuff and could not have been happier to be sharing the information with us. He was thorough, interesting, and even funny. He took us around the main floor, explaining the columns and the windows and the intricate roofs that towered above us.

And then we entered the first stair case. The first of four, tiny staircases winding up the inside of the building, after one flight we landed on a balcony overlooking the main floor. After the next flight we emerged from what appeared to be a hobbit door on the roof of the main building. From there the city spread out below us and the cathedral huddled us in tightly. We entered another (ridiculously) small door and went up another (unbelievably) small staircase and what we saw there was frankly kind of boring. Huge wooden beams held up what was obviously the center tower we had seen from down below. Wooden panels covered in graffiti circled around, but what happened next took my breath away.

John reached in front of me and lifted up a huge metal latch and the wooden panel swung open revealing an angel on the other side and angel panels 360 degrees. Far, far below us the cathedral floor sprawled out covered in pews that looked like caterpillars they appeared so small. Directly above us we got a close up view of the ornate roof of the cathedral. It was so beautiful I just couldn’t stop smiling, like when you know you’re in the presence of something great and wonderful and you just can’t believe you are lucky enough to be there.

View Inside Tower

And as if I needed more of a reason to be blown away, John led us up another staircase that was even smaller than the last! At the top of this one we came out on the roof of the tower with the stained glass windows being the only thing higher than us. I knew God was on our side that day because right as we got up there the sun started to set over the city and the building and it was just gorgeous.

Sunset on Roof

I hope you take a while to check out the whole album from this mini-trip, maybe you can get  a glimpse of the beauty I was blessed enough to take pictures of for you!

The World of Beatles and Potter

The Great Hall Christ's Church

Four day weekends are a magical thing. This week we decided to use them to our advantage in a new way. Instead of traveling from the second classes ended Thursday to late Sunday night, we left Friday morning and got back Saturday night. Only staying one night in a foreign city instead of three really cut back on expenses and having some down time in our beautiful “home” city of Cambridge really cut down on the brain damage. We were still able to see a lot of Oxford and Liverpool, even though we only spent one day in each location.

The Staircase from Harry Potter

On Friday we caught a train early in the morning, even though Thursday’s late night had us begging for more sleep. Luckily, trains aren’t horrible locations to catch up on some lost shut eye. We got into Oxford right around noon and had lunch at a pub called The Grapes (turns out there is one in Liverpool and in Cambridge too!). Then we walk to Christ Church where they did some filming for Harry Potter. Being a big fan, it was kind of awesome to see the staircase where the first years line up and the dining hall that the Great Hall was based on. After looking at the rest of the campus and walking around the town a bit we decided we were happy to be “from” Cambridge and could start calling Oxford “The Other Place,” like the Cambridge locals do.

After deciding we wanted to wait until Liverpool for dinner, we got on the train. BAD idea. By the time we got into Liverpool and checked into our AWESOME hotel, it was almost ten o’clock and we were sooooo hungry. We finally decided on a little Italian joint because most of the pubs’ kitchens had already closed. The food at the Italian restaurant was really good, albeit a little expensive. We splurged a little, but aw well. Then we went back to our hotel for some much needed cuddling, snuggling, and sleep.

Our Beautiful King Bed

The next day I reluctantly tore myself from my center spot in the comfy king bed and got ready for the day. We went to The Beatles’ Story which is a museum dedicated to– you guessed it– The Beatles. After learning as much as possible about the four biggest rockstars, um, ever, we went to go find lunch. With the help of our own personal map reader, Lauren, we went into The Cavern where The Beatles supposedly played the majority of their show. Ok, it was only a replica built from the same bricks as the original Cavern, but it was still cool. Sadly, they didn’t serve food so we ended up eating a couple doors down at another Grapes! Now this was pretty cool, they had pictures posted of The Beatles sitting in the seats of that very pub! Plus the food was cheap and tasty, my kind meal.

At The Beatles' Story

After a little more walking and another museum, I was glad to be on another train heading for King’s Cross and before I knew it, I was out. Before too long we were back in our temporary home, which is starting to feel like a real home more and more every day. My seven comrades and I had figured out that Oxford shied in comparison to it and the Liverpool(ians?) were extraordinarily kind. Then Sunday I slept in til noon and made myself crepes. Man I love studying abroad.

Be sure to check out the rest of my album here!

It’s People Not Places

Edinburgh from bridge

Their thick Scottish accent only allowed me to understand about every other word that they were saying, but I didn’t much mind because they were just so nice. You could feel the exuberance flowing off of them, as if telling us about their beautiful place of worship helped them feel closer to it. Only about halfway through their introduction to the Cathedral did they even tell us that they were married, but it made sense. This couple was by far the kindest people I’d met since my flight over the pond almost three weeks ago.
We only ended up in Glasgow because when we told our history professor that we were going to Scotland he told us that we won’t have seen Scotland without seeing Glasgow. After he said that, we altered our plans (which were for Edinburgh all weekend) and fit in Glasgow on Sunday. When we told Professor Murphy our good news, he asked us why on earth we were going to Glasgow on a Sunday because everyone there will just be hung over or maybe in church. Awesome. Well, against Murphy’s “better” judgment we made plans to go to Edinburgh on Thursday after class and stay there until Sunday when we would go to Glasgow.

Right after class on Thursday we took a taxi to the train station and hopped on the first of our three trains to Edinburgh. The first two trains were pretty quick but the last one took an entire four hours. The time went relatively quickly and before we knew it we were getting off the train and searching for a taxi. We quickly found the queue for a taxi and found a large taxi that would accommodate us all, but the bigger problem came when we told the taxi driver where we wanted to go. “High Street Hostel, please.” To which the taxi driver responded, “Grapwoi knsdnf oiwndn owei ponf?” At least that’s what it sounded like to us. “High Street Hostel? 8 Blackfriar’s Street?” Repeating those words over and over we eventually ended up at our hostel.
It was perfect! Our hostel was right in the middle of everything and it was truly amazing. Right off the bat, we were amazed at the beauty of the city and the architecture of Edinburgh. After a cheap dinner at a wonderful pub, we walked the (VERY cold) streets before we went back to our hostel and settled down for the night.

Edinburgh Castle

The next morning we walked the very short distance from our hostel to the castle, stopping along the way for some delicious breakfast at a hole-in-the-wall restaurant. The stone castle towers over the city with volcanic cliffs plunging down from either side. The tickets to the castle may have been the most expensive thing we paid for all weekend, but it was so incredibly worth it. With cannons protruding from the walls from 360 degrees and buildings dating back to many various eras, the castle just oozed character. In addition, since the castle was built on the top of a dormant volcano, every way you looked off of its defensive walls you saw picturesque Edinburgh cascading down below.
After the castle, we went to Scotland’s National Gallery. Now maybe I’ve just never been to any real art museums, but this was amazing. There is something about seeing Van Gogh’s name by a canvas covered in his brush strokes that left me in awe. In addition to Van Gogh, I saw works by Rembrandt, Monet, Raphael, Botticelli, and by far my favorite were the works by Degas. I grew up seeing copies of his paintings of ballerinas in every studio I ever danced in, so seeing one in real life was really fantastic for me. Plus it was free!

Me, Cliffs, Edinburgh, Canadian

The next day we did something truly awesome which none of the guidebooks recommended. Close to town were two hills, one boasting multiple monuments and the city’s observatory. The other hill was much higher with sheer cliffs on one side. We walked them both and they both offered superb picture taking opportunities. The city was bathed in the glowing light of midday sun and it was just perfect. Not to mention we did all of this with our fun Canadian friend that we had met in the hostel. Hostel folk are just fantastic; you can meet interesting people from all stages in life who are trying to see the world, just like you.

That night we took a tour of the cavernous rooms lurking below the Scottish streets of Edinburgh. They were spooky for sure, but definitely had a dark and interesting path. With each new turn, a story was told showing some dark aspect of that room or corridor’s past. Not for people who are easily spooked, but definitely an interesting stop on our journey. However, no thanks to the complimentary whiskey that tasted like death itself.
After the short train ride the following morning we stepped out of the train station and into a Glasgow town square, abandoned by everyone but Santa. Yes, you read that correctly. Every direction there were clusters of people dressed like Santa. Within the walking of the first block we found there source with a big sign that said “Glasgow Santa Dash 2010”. Maybe it got delayed or maybe Glasgow doesn’t realize that Santa is usually reserved for December and that it is no longer 2010, who knows? Almost as entertaining as the “art” we found at the free Modern Art Museum we went to next…

Modern Art? Ok...

Then we walked to the Glasgow Cathedral which was just getting out of church. Before we could go into the main part of the church, the nicest couple ever met us and started telling us all about the cathedral, what was there, when it was built, how beautiful it was, everything. They were just so nice and happy to share with us. It really touched my heart, reminding me of the warmth of my own grandparents and my own church and even home. As abandoned and hung over as Glasgow, Scotland may have been that chilly Sunday morning in January, I found there a little piece of home. My dad always says, “It’s people not places,” I just know how amazing it is to experience a weekend where I get the best of both.

Goodnight, Scotland

Check out all of my pictures here!

Five Reasons to Study Abroad

1. Opportunities to travel: It’s not very often that you have a chance to travel as easily and as inexpensively as you do when studying abroad. Being in Cambridge, I’ve been able to explore much of Europe and with classes for the week ending by noon on Thursday, I was always guaranteed three and a half days every week to travel and visit places I might not otherwise would have had the opportunity to see. Our study abroad program even had designated weekends where we traveled as a group to parts of England with transportation and accommodation being paid for by the program.

Studying abroad allowed me to fulfill a childhood dream and visit Madrid

2. Experience a culture first-hand: In order to truly embrace a culture you have to immerse yourself in it over an extended period of time. A quick visit to see the sights and taste some new food should hardly be considered experiencing a new culture. There’s so much more to what appears on the outside. In order to truly appreciate a culture you have to learn about their values, perceptions, beliefs and differences from your own culture.

3. Learn about yourself: Studying and living in a country is without a doubt an incredible experience, but it is also a great way to learn new ideas and gain new perspectives about yourself and your own culture. I’ve experienced challenges during my four months abroad that have caused me to grow as a person and simultaneously expand my worldview. I’ve truly benefited from being able to view my own culture through the eyes of others.

4. Network and make new friends: When you live in one place for four months you are bound to make new friends and meet a wide variety of people. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet plenty of people during my travels around Europe and around Cambridge. Some were people I shared a brief conversation with while others were people I’m confident I’ll stay in touch with for many years to come. I’ve been able to learn a lot from the people I’ve come in contact with while studying abroad and through them and I’ve been able to learn a lot through every one of them.

5. Enhance employment opportunities: With the world becoming more and more globalized and more counties continually investing in the international market, having experience in a foreign country can only be a benefit in future careers. Studying abroad shows that you are willing to embrace challenges and handle diverse problems and new situations. Who knows, it might even be the difference between your resume and that of someone else who hasn’t taken up the opportunity to study abroad.

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