African American Farmers contribute to the growth and development of America.
The history of the African American farmer is a
story of struggle and courage and ingenuity
against all odds.
Celebrate the African American farming community!!!
Celebrate The accomplishments of those who have generated wealth in our community!
The evolution of the African American middle class produces
leadership and direction for the African American community.
It is important to remember where the strength of this community
Every middle class community stands on the backs of working class people and their struggles to survive and thrive in a sometimes hostile environment. Every middle class person has a blue collar mother or father or grand parents that prepared the way for their success.
Please remember the sacrifice or parents made so that we might live
a better life!
We thank you and will forever remember your sacrifice!!
There is no class difference among those that are oppressed in this world.
Thank you to all those people who fought hard so that this generation might have better opportunities to live a better life!
Kemetic perspectives challenge us to consider all things through the lens of Balance ,harmony and reciprocity!
Before there was a decision for some to name and define reality there were a people who held their reality together with their own names and definitions of what was understood as real !
{Please look for new pages and blog roll sites}
We must never forget!!!
Learning is the attribute of the WISE!
We need to understand the great migration of African Americans from the rural south to the urban Northern communities!
These thousands of African Americans were seeking jobs, better education, and freedom from the domestic terrorism of the south!
Most African Americans still have family members who live and work in southern parts of the United States!
Thank s to all of those who made the dangerous journey to the north!
It is their courage that build African American communities throughout the northern regions of the United States!
Jacob Lawrence The Great Migration
Thank you!
We celebrate the genius and work of
Dr. Wade Nobles!
This great thinker continues to make contribution
to the life and health of the African American community!
Thank you!
Look for periodic updates and new pages on this site!
Celebrate the contributions of great African American Artists!
Charles White untitled
Charles White “autumn Trails ”
Henry Tanner’s “The Thankful Poor”
Thank you for your love and service!!!
African American Inventors