There is always a question of validation when it comes to African American culture.
Thank God we always have intelligent and gifted people to rise to the challenge of the larger societies constant question of authenticity. African American thinkers have always been able and willing to defend the right to self determination in a environment of conformity. We must recognize the tremendous contributions that have been made by these pioneers of African American culture and religion.
We celebrate the awesome gifts of these brothers and sisters of the diverse faith community that provided a firm foundation for the progressive communities of faith today.
James Cone
This young man authored some of the first works that spoke deeply about Black Theology.
J Deotis Roberts
A great thinker and contributor to the understanding of Africentric Christianity!
This sister is an outstanding example of African American Womanist theologians breaking new ground in Theology.
Delores S Williams
Understanding the foundations of our faith as a spiritually rooted universally applied reality for all life.
The purpose for this segment is to share some of the foundations that make up the Black theological experience.
One such foundation is the concept of presence.
The theological perspective that suggests that it is Christ`s presence and agency in the every day life of the Christian that presents profound meaning and value in the world.
Christ presence is always about the loving of all life. God loves all creation! It is the presence of the Christ spirit that invokes the power and grace of the creator.
There is no judging in unconditional love.
The relationship to Christ is not punitive its restorative.
Sadly in our attempt to survive in this society we have dismantled some of the most important foundations of our faith.
Lets return to what we know.
Jesus Christ is more than a way to live .
Christ is a formula for the restoration of All Life everywhere.
There are many wonderful thinkers who have given their life to the process of evolving an intellect of compassion and mercy. We should learn and grow from these great thinkers.
God blessed me to be able to have a conversation with Bell Hooks and get to hear and listen to one of the great thinkers of our time!
We need to learn how to listen for the tone of inspiration and genius in the people around us.
There are thousands of great African American thinkers that continue to contribute to the development of humanity!
Dr. King jr was a leader that was molded and shaped by those who had contributed to a long history of development.
His spirit was created by those who shared a common purpose by
being people of the “way” following the teachings of Jesu
Christ spirit continues to guide all positive spiritual growth
and that spirit has resided with all life since the beginning of all time!
The creator is present all around us every day in the genius
and creativity of life that surrounds our every action and presence. The answers to the questions reside in the perfection of all life. We all are a part of that creation!
“There is no understanding without relationship”