Visit this blog and make comments on the issues of violence facing our communities.
We will always focus our concern toward the end of violence in the global community as we build this course offering for the Valparaiso university community.
The question of violence is a prime root issue that reflects a less than civilized perspective regarding social and cultural problem solving.
We will attempt to explore a means to address issues without the use of violence to gain some spiritual perspective to these concerns.
we invite your comments as we construct this new theological approach.
War is not a Game.
Until we learn how to live in peace we are not fully Human!
Violence and the quest for global sentience
There are two kinds of people who inhabit the earth. There are people who operate in a reality that reflects the products
of self interest, material, and intellectual fabrication; and there are people who from the intimate caverns of their
heart, operate in a reality of freedom and love for all life. There are no people who sit in the middle of this division of operation.
Both peoples are vexed by the inability to grow beyond the present violent reality within the world they inhabit.
Both groups have not been able to claim the sentient intellect of a civilized global community.
Each of these groups would strive to be “better” or more civilized as a people; however both still employ systems of violence to exist as
a community.
The first group makes no pretense in their desire to control and dominate the reality they inhabit. The world they understand
to be real is for their manipulation and use. All existence belongs to those who show the power, ability and desire to exploit
everything in that reality. Anything that does not exist within the material reality is not worth their interest. Violence is a necessary tool
to be used by those who need to control others that are contrary to their interest.
The other group recognizes that violence to life forms is an error in judgment, however the quality of life that they are accustomed to is
Supported by the violent actions of first group. They face a seemly unanswerable quandary. To reject the actions of the first group is to cause issues and problems to arise in their own group.
Thus the simple solution has been to avoid any communication at this level with anyone but those who agree and understand this concern.
The time for silence has ended. These two groups of potential sentient life on this planet must communicate and remove the use of violence
From human community.
If we do not act to remove violence this might be our future;